The Tale Of Discovering

Start from the beginning

And then she did still have her things. Though, thankfully, during her visits to the Im's, she had managed to pack up her room (which wouldn't have been much aside from her mattress and the fixings for it).

"Are you finished?" Jisoo's voice filtered through Jennie's thoughts, forcing the blonde to look up as she exited the bathroom. The blonde nodded with a smile, heading towards the brunette who had donned something. "Are you ready to go?"

"You're not going to shower first?" Jennie quirked a brow, drinking up her girlfriend's attire. She had wiped off the remainder of makeup from last night and pulled her hair back into a messy pony tail. Her top was a plain black tee-shirt that Jennie had often seen her lounge in or use as a pajama shirt, and she wore jeans- something usually uncommon for the older woman. Though it wasn't exactly excluded from her wardrobe.

It was a rare thing to see the brunette in jeans, especially those tight ones that she wore now. Normally, it was something that she wore around the house if they were doing work, or as something she had quickly put on instead of donning her regular attire to pick something up from the store. Jennie wished that Jisoo had worn those damned things more often because, damn, she looked great in them.

"I'll do that later. I plan on packing some things up while you're gone. No use showering if I'm just going to get dirty again." The brunette pursed her lips at the thought as she stood, wrapping her arms around Jennie's waist once she reached the bed.

"Well, you could always shower while getting dirty." Jennie couldn't help the words that came out of her mouth and smirked salaciously at her lover who, in return, slapped her shoulder.

"Now, Jennie. Stop thinking with your clit and get your shoes on. Your mother called while you were in the shower." She stepped away from the younger woman so she could get Jennie's cellphone from the end table where it lie. "I think she's worried that you haven't shown up yet."

"Meh, she should know that I'm a late sleeper." The blonde huffed softly, taking the electronic device from Jisoo to check for the missed calls. Three of them showed up, all from Minjee. "She called three times?"

"And I believe messaged twice."

Jennie looked under her messages. At least the five that she did have weren't all from Minjee, though the less half was from her asking where she was, what she was doing, and when she would be coming to visit. With a soft sigh, the blonde shot off a quick response telling her foster mother that she would be there soon.

She loved that woman to death, but there was something about Minjee that bothered her and that was her tendency to be... annoying. Well, perhaps not exactly "annoying," but she was too concerned for her own good and tended to ask too many questions.

She smiled slightly to herself because, yeah, that was still sweet of the schoolteacher since Jennie had never really had anyone care so much for her. It was nice, yet annoying when thrust unto her in such copious amounts. Just as her friends were when it had come to certain things.

The blonde scoffed slightly at her phone as she slipped on a pair of shoes from the closet, Jisoo hounding her while she stood ready in the doorway. Jennie quickly headed towards the brunette and followed her outside, reading the other three messages. Two of which were from Lisa while the third was from Daejung.

It was surprising to see something from Daejung. He rarely ever messaged Jennie... If he ever had. Minjee was usually the one wanting to know the blonde's business while her foster father had rarely stepped in.

But there was a message from him.

Anxious about opening it up, Jennie had decided to see what the hell Lisa was going on about.

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