I make a stink face at the text, thinking about how I should reply. Zaire and I had kind of started our affair. We've been texting and calling each other since that night he dropped me off from Mercedes house; but the reason I said we were "kind of" having an affair was because we never really did anything besides call and text. Plus when we did, he never said anything out of line and neither did I. Him inviting me out on the Ave was obviously his way of trying to get me to come hang with him. Probably in hopes of us talking for a few hours which would hopefully lead us to fuck or something before the night was out. Because see, I realized this game we were playing. It was the game of where I was waiting for him to make the first move, and vice versa. And boy did Zaire have the right one; because he was not gonna fool me. I may have been sixteen but I was not stupid, if anybody was gonna make the first move, he was gonna be the one to type his laces and walk to me.

          Serenity - Funny, come see you. Nah, I'm good playboy. You have a whole BMW car, if you was really pressed for company you would come get me. What you think I'm about to hop on a bus or train to come all the way over there? I'm not those hoes you mess with, nice try tho' honey bun.  6:41PM

          "The fuck..." I mumble, hitting the reply button low key mad at the way he just came at me. He really must have thought I was one of them duck ass hoes he messes with. I'll admit, Zaire was sneaky. I knew what he was doing. Trying to test out what kind of chick I was. The thirsty thot that would jump through flaming hoops all the way across town just to go see him? Or the smart sassy mouth chick that knew the game he was playing and damn sure was not falling for it. Zaire was slick, but he must have forgot I was a teenager. The art of manipulation was my speciality, and he couldn't mess with me on that.

          Zaire - Lmaoo, yo' you got my niggas dying over here. What you mean? Why you can't just come see me tho'? It's that serious? I don't move my car after a certain time. Just take the bus.  7:00PM

           I was noticing how long he would take to text me back, must have been one busy dude or was just busy running his mouth with friends. When our relationship became official forreal, he was gonna have to change that reply schedule he was working with. I didn't do no late ass reply text. Especially from someone who was gonna be my man. But I roll my eyes and text him back.

          Me - Yeah I bet I do have them dying. You probably use to girls that would be on your nuts in a heart beat if you told them too. And your car don't move after a certain time? Well neither does my ass and it's sticking to this couch unless I have a ride other than public transportation, lol.  7:02PM

          Zaire - Wow...you really bout' to do me like that friend? Just hop on the train or something girl. You really not bout' to come hang with me?  7:15PM

          Me - Nah, maybe some other time babes.  7:15PM

          I chuckle and rest my phone down, knowing he was probably a little irritated by me. It was alright, he'd get over it. He was gonna have to learn to come at me correct because he was fucking up already and we haven't even went on our first date yet.

          Almost an hour passes by and I realize Zaire is not gonna text me back. It's okay though, I'd survive. He'd probably text me the day after tomorrow or something. I watch two more episodes of Love & Hip Hop before I get bored and change the channel. They were reruns of previous episodes earlier in the season anyway. Johnson's Family Vacation was on so I opted for that even though it was already half way through the movie.

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