chapter 1: my joy

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"are you nervous?" i asked sooyoung. she nodded slightly and her legs were shaking.

"it's okay. you will do well in this interview. you worked hard for it," i encouraged her while placing my hands over hers. 

just then, the receptionist called out her name, "bae sooyoung, please come in!"

i pressed her hands assuringly, telling her it was going to be alright. she nodded and walked with her into the interview room. 

- 15 minutes later -

i was sleepy. just as my eyes were closing on its own, "irene!" joy called out to me.

she squealed in excitement and screamed that she got the job. with widened eyes and dropped jaws, i congratulated her and squealed along with her. just then, i realised that we are still in the waiting room.

i pulled her out of the room because other interviewees were giving us weird looks.

we took the elevator and went down to car park area, getting into our car. "yesss! my treat!" she hooted in the car so loudly that even when i covered my ears, i could hear her. 

honestly, i am not surprised. after living 25 years of my life with her, i guess this is the usual. if joy is not talking much, there is something wrong with her. 

she is scarier when she is sulky than when she is happy. joy, the nickname my mother and i gave her because of the happiness she spreads. 

of course, we also encouraged her to speak herself when she felt down and to share her burdens to lessen them. she did not do that until her teenage years. she kept it all in and when she was 14 years old, she spilt all her feelings to us - about how she really felt.

it was heartbreaking to see such a joyful girl cry her entire heart out. we helped to change her. "mindset is everything. no matter what anyone says, you are you and it will never change," was the repetitive advice i gave her.

of course, now, she's entirely fine and doing alright. i can see the growth mindset and positivity embedded in her so she is confident and more importantly, loving herself. i am happy that i managed to create this positive change in her. 

if not, god knows what she would have done.

sibling relationships are confusing. you fight, scream, pull each other's hair but in the end, you still love each other. it is not easy also. sometimes, you have a role to play like me, in changing your sister's perspective of life. 

it is never easy. taking advice is never as easy as giving advice. 

but i have to do it.

because she's my joy after all.



heyy, this was a really short chapter. you could say it was filler chapter about the relationship between irene and joy. i hope y'all liked the cute relationship they had. 

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