Just The Beginning

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I walk in the hallway beside William and right beside me is Isaac, William's friend, I guess. We walk over to the scoreboard and see that I'm first on the list. William is second best or place.

Whichever you prefer.

Then, um, Isaac had gotten third . . . last. William begins to enlighten Isaac about his intelligence and overall greatness, in which, he may add, Isaac did not possess. Isaac, who rolled his eyes, decided to shower the gloating boy with compliments, which didn't help his ego. That's when William finally starts to lecture him and scold him for not doing as well as he did. All I did was watch in amusement as William began going all 'hooligan'.

"Issac you need to do better in school!" William said in a disapproving tone.


Well that's the end of school, since the bell had just finished ringing. Looks like it's time to go home.

*Timeskip Home*

I opened the door to the house, and threw my backpack onto the ground of my rainbow painted room, which I adored greatly, I decided that, perhaps, I should visit William at the mansion.
*Timeskip to William's Mansion*

Finally reaching his house, I open the door with my spare key to see William freaking out.
"Um, hi?" I said to him, "If this is a bad time, I'll come back later . . ."

"Not now Maru, I have a crisis at hand right now" He began panicking.

"Kevin, do you know of any secret rooms or hidden doors in this building?" William asked frantically, and nearly pulled his hair out.

"Come on now Master William, these absurd things you speak of . . ." Kevin said, trailing off as we walked down to the basement.

"-Do actually exist" I finished for him. We all stopped in front of a large, wooden door. It looked quite normal exept. . . The door didn't seem to have a knob on it. Strange.

Quite strange indeed.

"The door appears to have no knob" Kevin said in an obvious tone.

No shit Sherlock, what did he think this was, anyway?

"No matter, I'll just have to find my own way in!" William yelled as his body slammed against the door, practically breaking the door off its hinges.


"Young Master!" Kevin and I yelled in unison, as we were both worried that William had hurt himself.

"I'm fine," he insisted as blood began to drip down his hand and onto what seemed to be a summoning circle.

The circle started glowing really brightly and illuminated the dark room, and had also blinded me for several seconds until it had finally faded out. When I was finally able to see again, I saw a tall man with elf-like ears and jet black hair swept to the side. I looked at him with my infamous 'Who-the-fuck-are-you-and-why-are-you-in-my-brother's-basement?' look. All this stranger did was blab about nonsense for how he was Grand Duke of Hell, and 'commanded 36 legions and all that'.

To be honest, all I heard was blah, blah, blah, blah.


Hi, um this is my first ever fanfic so don't be hard on me ;-;.
My friend Juu-chan had helped me with my cover and description (Oh_My_Jujube). Also this chapter is dedicated to her because she wanted to help me start writing a book. So if you like Diabolik Lovers you should definitely read her book.

Bye bye desu~
HEYO DEAR READERS, JUJUBE HERE. Y'all probably thinking, "Who the hell is this 'Jujube' girl?"
Well, (p*ω)p I'm the partner in crime of the author here ((HEY LOSER. GUESS WHO'S WRITIN' THEIR OWN AUTHOR'S NOTE?)) Anyways~ she has asked me to help her edit her book, since she's not very confident in her work. IT'LL BE A PLEASURE WRITING FOR YA. Please note that Lisa, and I ((especially I)) are both amateurs and are testing the waters, although feedback would help us both improve.
((And yes, I do have another Diabolik Lovers -crack- I MEAN Fanfiction. HEHE, YEA, WE HAVE A DIALOVER HERE. THANK YOUZ LISA, FOR ADVERTISING ME, I LOVE YA.))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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