You sat on the couch with your hand full of bread "it's not much but it's food."

You tell the dog Ashe jumped into the couch with you, You fed him bit by bit until it was all gone

"Would you like some water as well ?" You asked the dog.

The dog then started barking, "Of course you would I didn't even need to ask you that"

You then got some water and put it on a bowl and sat it on the floor for the poor dog

The dog drank most of the water and jumped back on to the couch curling itself into a ball.

You also laid back down on the couch slowly drifting away into a deep slumber.

"Y/N Y/N!!!!" You woke up to someone shaking you wake, It was Cho she looked very alarmed

"W-What's going on ?" You ask her in a worryingly tone.

"It's Sirius Black, He was here in the Castle!" She yelled at me and started hugging all at the same time.

As she was hugging you, You remembered the dog

You let go of her and frantically looked around for the animal but couldn't see it anywhere.

"Y/n.... Are you alright didn't you hear me about Sirius Black!?!?!"

"I'm fin- Wait Sirius Black is in the school ?" I say looking at her confused

Cho groans and says "Yes! That's what I've told you!!! Now we need to go down to the Great Hall everyone is sleeping there tonight so teachers, ghosts and Dementors and search the place."

You just nodded at what she said still not really paying attention though, Your mind was still at the thought of what happened to the black dog or maybe the black dog was....

Just as you where thinking Cho grabbed your hand and lead you to the Great Hall where everyone was.

As you entered to Great Hall Head Boys/Girls where handing out sleeping bags for other students.

"Here Y/n" Cho handed you a sleeping bag which you took thankfully.

"You sure your alright you seem a bit-"

"Spooked, Yeah you scared of Sirius Black Y/n Oooooo" Pansy says with some Slytherin girls also cutting off Cho.

"Nah I'm more spooked of seeing your face than Blacks bitch" You say flipping her off before you and Cho leave and head towards Luna and some other RavenClaw girls.

The next day

You didn't see Harry, Ron or Hermione till your next class which was Defence Against The Dark Arts.

But it wasn't Professor Lupin who was staking you it was Professor Snape

To be honest I couldn't care about what he was saying, The only thing in my mind was the black shaggy dog and if I'll ever see it again and if it was black then it was my fault about the painting.

It was only I snapped out of my faults when everyone started groaning I turned to Ron and whispered

"Why is everyone groaning?"

"Where you not paying any attention!" Ron ask's you

"No why would I be it's Snape! And your starting to act like Hermione"

Ron gasped in offence and put a hand on his heart "I'm offended Y/n."

You just googled punch his arm playfully and said "Well go on tell me why was everyone groaning."

"He's given us homework on Werewolf's"

"What that's well shit"

"I know, And it's Quidditch tomorrow as well."

Tomorrow Quidditch

"Ahh-Chooo" I high pitched sneezed

"Bless you Y/n" Hermione says patting my back gently.

"Thanks Hermione, Why is Quidditch have to be in the rain" I groan out loud

"GO HARRY!!!!" Hermione shouted (basically everyone did)

Harry went after the Snitch following it out of the Quidditch flied and into the lighting filled sky.

Everyone was scared about what would happen most people are sure Harry will come flying down with the Snitch in his hands a winner.

Everybody was looking at the sky as Cedric Diggory went after the Snitch as well, People where now getting anxious that's something has happen.

You kept looking up and over the field, That's when you noticed something was sitting outside of the Quidditch rig.

It was that black dog again!

It then stared at you and started walking away, You then barged past people to leave the rig while Hermione and Ron where shouted where are you going.

Once you left the rig and went to where you saw the dog it just seemed to have vanished into fin air.

"Wired" you mumbled under your breath

That's when you turned around to see a horrific sight in the air it was Harry falling unconscious.

You just stood there with your hands to your mouth, But luckily for Harry Professor Dumbledore put a spell on him that made him fall as light as a fear.

Word count 1,342

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