Chapter 17: First Blood

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Sunday Afternoon

"Come on!" Andrew yelled.

"What now?" Marcus asks.

"Olivia won't pick up her phone and I have to go pick up Isabella at the airport today," he told his partner.

"I can stay here on my own," he told him, "I can take care of this place just fine,"

"Up until you find some hot chick around the dance floor, that's when your dick thinks for you," Andrew replies.

"Pretty gay that you think of my dick,"

"It's about to get gayer than Olivia in here if you don't shut up," Andrew replies, dialing the girl again.


Olivia and Joseph load their weapons, just in case it's needed. The plan is to drown the place with gasoline and light it up and take out anyone who tries to stop them.

"You know there's nothing wrong with killing these guys," he said.

"I know, my perception on shooting people who were once civilians is really skewed," she answers.

"So what? You're a humanitarian now? You're gonna go against the death penalty?"

She shoves Joseph, "Of course not, but The Division has changed my views in more ways than one, what if I end up screwing someone over with a family?" she asks.

He places his hand on his chin, "How fucked is your life that you reduce yourself to making and distributing meth, and not only that but how fucked are your life choices that it was the only way to go," he tells her.

"You're not wrong," she said softly.

"Well look if push comes to shove, I'll be fine with taking the shots, good therapy," he jokes at the end.

She pats his shoulder, "get into therapy after all of this."

The duo leaves the car they were in and start walking uphill to the place that had the meth lab. To everyone else, it looked like any other house on the hill, large enough for a family of 6 or 7 maybe. However downstairs that's where the big picture was. Usually, the people who ran the so-called business were sitting outside keeping watch for customers or rival gangs. Downstairs there was always some people working the lab, that was their goal. Olivia and Joseph went to the back of the home and placed their masks on, they jump into through a kitchen window. A stairway led to an upstairs room and another led to the basement. The duo went up to the stairs as they dropped something in the kitchen to alert the guys downstairs. While they waited on the stairs, Joseph placed a suppressor on his pistol, two men came up and he shot both right in the head, they were gone. Olivia did the same and suppressed her pistol as they slowly walked down. There they saw the lab where four other men sat around checking on the crystal. Olivia had a clear shot on the man who was making it currently and Joseph had his shot lined up on someone who can hit them first, Olivia looked at Joseph who nodded at her. She lined up her shot, took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

He fell onto the lab equipment, causing everyone to turn, Joseph took his shot, taking down the second guy, Olivia fired at the two other men to bring them down in order for Joseph to take their lives with the next bullet. They walked down the stairs and checked around for anyone who could be hiding. No one. They began to drop everything and found their extra gasoline tank and threw it around the place, breaking everything they had, Olivia noticed a briefcase, she took the chance and grabbed it. The duo walked up to the stairs and Joseph threw the rest of the tank and fired at it causing sparks to fly and starting the fire.

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