Chapter 16: Advice

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Late Friday Night; 1 am

"Hey, hey!" Andrew yells at the fake Marcus, trying to wake him up. Olivia was treating their Marcus' checking on his pulse as he was still knocked out, they were sitting near the clothes rack the two were fighting while Andrew took the other to the counter of the store to sit him up.

The 'other' Marcus has his hands tied behind his back, and his legs tied up too, so the best he could do is squirm. He looked at Andrew and rolled his eyes.

"Look if you want something out of me, just kill me, I'm not speaking," he tells Andrew.

"Hmm... fine, but can we get a name before we send you to your demise?" Andrew asks.

"Lucas, that's all I'm giving you about me," he scoffs.

"Parte de mí creía que iba tener un nombre mismo o más o menos mismo a Marcus," Olivia told Andrew. (Part of me thought he would have the same name or similar name to Marcus)

"Cree el mismo," he snickers. (I thought the same too)

"Oh great beaners, are you guys with the cartel or something?" He snickers to himself.

"We're a part of something," Andrew says.

"Like what? You all three have fresh meat written on your faces," Lucas says.

"But for a couple of fresh meat, we beat your gang's ass!" Andrew retorts.

Lucas snickers, "if you thought that was our entire gang, then you are so in for a treat," he tells him.

"What do you mean?" Andrew asks.

"Riot's the biggest gang here, we've been around since the 90s, anywhere you turn, there's bound to be a riot member somewhere, they own several places but the biggest guy is Michael Davis who owns-"

"Amibilia and Bank of Deals we know," Andrew answers.

"You did some of your homework so I'll give you half credit," he says cheekily.

"How about this, we'll let you go and act like you kicked our asses, in exchange you give us a little information of one of either business, sound good?" Andrew deals.

"Hmm, and what do I get in return?"

"Your life duh,"

"I was thinking something along other lines," he smirks.

"Look we're not gonna pay you to be our ra-"

"We'll give you a thousand to fuck off, and maybe more if you follow along with us," Olivia answers, getting up from where she was with Marcus and near Andrew.

"Fine, deal," he says.

Olivia motions for Andrew to untie Lucas, he gets up and near Olivia as she pays him the thousand from her wallet, in exchange he gives her a number they can trace him back. He salutes and runs off from the two. 

"Can you explain that shit?!" Andrew asks.


"You're taking the shots, the jobs, and even paying people off? Have you been planning this from the start?!" he asks her.

"Did you really think I was gonna go into this without having a plan? I knew this shit wasn't gonna be easy and we can't go around with you kicking the life out of people when we can use them," Olivia tells him.

"Do you not trust us to make good decisions?"

"I do, but with Isabella gone, for now, I like to have some brains in these missions of ours," she tells him.

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