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What is up guys, I hope you guys liked that first chapter!!!!!!!! Y'all can play the song while reading this chapter!!!!! Anyway I will you guys read now



Daisy's POV.

I head up the street and park in Jane's driveway, I open the door and yell "kids!, mommy's here!!"

As I set my stuff on the ground I hear little feet running down the stairs and them yelling "mommy!!!!!!". I bend down to their level and engulf them in a hug. Making me fall to the ground.

" Oh, my babies I missed you guys so so so much." I said to them as I stood up and gave them a kiss on their foreheads.

"We missed you too mommy." They said at the same time. I look back up and see Jane watching us.

"Hey, Jane" I gave her hug.

"Hey, but why are you here so early today?" She gave me a confused look.

"Ricky let me come home early today and spend some time with the kids." I said to her as we went to go sit down on the couch.

"Oh. That's nice of him to do.Did you hear what happened?" She asked.

"No, why, what happened?"

"There was news about him." She said looking at me straight in the eye. Good thing the kids went in the playroom that Jane has for them. So they would hear what we are talking about and wouldn't ask so many questions.

They have asked a couple times where their dad is at. I usually tell them that he is away on a business trip. I feel so guilty of not telling them the truth that their father is literally a town over. But at the same time I was hurt, no heartbroken that he cheated on me with some dumb bitch. How can I can give him the right to have him meet them. Like honestly, if he really loved me he wouldn't have done what he did and if so then we'd still be together. Raising the triplets, but he just had to stick his dick somewhere else.

The more I think about this the more I remember and become angry. Lord Jesus what am I going to do. I put my hand on my face and try to relax.

"And what is it this time?" I said to her as I roll my eyes. After the divorce there has been supposed scandals about him and some of his women. But he addresses those scandals and says he is single and will always be single.

" About him and another girl. Same old same old"

"Well, it's getting late. I better take the kids home. Are you coming over tomorrow?" I asked her as i was getting the triplets stuff ready to leave.

"Yes, I am. We can make cookies with the kids." She said excited.

"Ok, but don't give them to many. I don't want them getting a sugar rush. Got it." I said to her in a strictly manner. Knowing her she'll give the triplets lots of cookies. They have her wrapped around their finger.

"Ok, fine. Your no fun." she said with a frown on her face. I laugh at her.

"Kids, it's time to go home now. Say bye to aunt Jane!!!" I yell for them. They come running down the stairs. We help them put on their coats and shoes.

"Bye bye, aunty Jane." They each said as they gave her a kiss and a hug. "Bye little ones see you tomorrow." I buckled them in to their car seats and close their door. I turn on the car and head straight home and put them to sleep.


I was meant to update on Thursday since it was my birthday, but I wasn't able to finish the chapter. Anyway I hope you guys liked the chapter till next time.

Song: Anuel AA ft. Romeo Santos -Ella Quiere Beber (Remix)


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