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You begin to look at more articles, all dating in 2008. They all are related to Tony Stark and Iron Man.


You think back to your week. Nothing much than the Apparatus at Tel Aviv and horrible headache. You were living in 2019 in a world without heroes. Now you are in 2008 in a world with Tony Stark. How could this have happened?

Well, I'm not gonna be getting back if I don't know how I got here you say, slowly accepting your fate.

Curious, you grab your smart phone. Darn it! I'm living in 2008, and now my phone is the same crap they had then! You pull out the small, compact phone and dial a number. Your mother's.

Ringalingaling. You wait as the phone connects to your mother's. "Hi sweetie!" you hear your mother's voice say.

"Mom! Oh my gosh."

"Are you alright y/n?"

"Yeah, I just had a huge headache."

"Yes, sweetie, I know! I've been going to the store for you so you don't have to leave your house."

This is awkward, you think. "Yeah, about that, I just wanted to call you and say thanks. I feel a lot better now. Thank you."

"Oh, it's nothing y/n!"

"Well, I gotta go."

"Yes, you need to find yourself some work out east. I heard there was something just off of Cairo. Fine dig from what I've heard."

"Yes, Cairo, I'll look into it. Bye Mom."

"Good bye, y/n!"

You hang up and turn to your computer. There's only one thing that can explain this.

You type into the search engine "multiverse theory." You click on article from Harvard and skim through it.

"As some theoretical physicists theorize, there is more than one universe in existence. There are an infinite number of universes, each with its own history. In one universe, the Nazis won World War II. In another, the Cold War resulted in a Soviet-American Nuclear War. In another, JFK wasn't assassinated. The results are endless.

"All of these universes occupy the same space, but they vibrate at different frequencies. Because of this, it would take immense speed or control over theoretical interdimensional energies to make contact with another universe. Unfortunately, we are not currently able to do so with our current technology."

Am I somehow in another universe? you ask yourself. The only odd thing recently was the headache that you got right after you dug up that old relic in Israel. And, last you checked, correlation doesn't mean causation. In this instance does it though?

You check your bank accounts and everything else like that and see what's going on. It all looks roughly the same as the last time you checked them two days ago.

Okay, so the best idea I have right now is that I somehow ended up in another universe and the other me is in my universe. But how did we switch and, honestly, what's the likelihood? The only weird thing was my headache and Tel Aviv. You consider it for a second. "Maybe Azriel was right about God and all that stuff," you mutter jokingly. It makes the most sense in this crazy circumstance.

Maybe the Apparatus was godly, maybe not. But it definitely had some sorta power in it. And, now that you think about it, you live in the world of Thor and Doctor Strange now. Gosh darn it, this isn't actually that weird, considering what universe this appears to be.

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