woah kid!

21 1 0

wheezys p.o.v.

As I put his head outside to stay away from the betting tables he looked in rage it looked like he wants to fight me... So I'm like meh
Its just a kid... what's a kid gonna do... He came up to me with a finger gun and said you better watch it bub you don't want this to your head right? So I said woah kid! Calm down! There's no need to cause Chaos in this casino ok?  Here I will buy you a drink hey Jimmy can I have a surly Temple pls? Here you go Mac! he said happy.. I gave him the drink and he drank some and calmed down..

Cuphead p.o.v.
I was just about to beat this guy up but he got me a drink instead to calm me down from rageing out and beating him up but this guy is ok... For now... Wow just wow 159 I'm words DAMN

Holy Smokes!  wheezy x Cuphead/ neko/ depressedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora