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*Harry's POV*
Parstle talk
"Normal talk"

After harry finished reading the confusing letter he said "cat nip", straight away he felt the familiar naval tug.

Once harry(or should i say hadrian) arrived he walked up to the desk and to the goblins surprise politely asked for grip ,the goblin happily obliged and in a matter of seconds grip was there,"ahhh mr lupin-black we have been waiting for you ,i say u wasted no time" grip said wisely ,grip lead har-drion to an office in the office there was a table in the centre of the room but was rested on the table scared   hadrion ,a golden dagger,a parchment and a bowl of a strange potion.

"Mr lupin first we will talk about your family and creature inhearitance" "ok..." hadrion said timidly ,with a soft voice the goblin asked "mr lupin-bl.." "HAdrion. hadrion  please call me hadrion" "ok. hadrion please let ten drops of blood on the parchment ,this will tell us your creatur and real birth certificate"

Name:  Hadrion Lucious Lupin-Black
Mother: Rumus Lupin (alive)
Father: Sirius Orion Black(alive)
Siblings: none

Lily Evens (alive)
Narcissa Malfloy(alive)
Bellatrix Lastrange(alive
Severus Snape(alive)

James Potter
Lucious Malfloy
Tom riddle


Creature: Shadow neko/werewolf hybrid(submissive)
Status: rare,grey core
Mate: Male,neko/vela hybrid(dominant)

Shadow magic
Night vision
Heightened senses
Shadow travel
Natural healing
Wandless magic
Natural legitamacy
Natural occalamcy
The rest unkown due to being rare creature

Potions/spells :too many to be listed
Glamour 100% broken
Inhearitance 90% broken
Love to mate 99% broken
Memory 10% broken
Family bond 50% broken

All potions,spells,blocks administered by
Albus Dumbledoor
Ginerva weasley
Ronald weasley
Molly weasley
Arthur weasley
Hermione Granger
Order of Phoenix(except Sirius black and  remus lupin)

Hadrion sat in shock ,sadness,
batrayal and most of all anger his best friend,his mother figure ,grandfather figure and people he trusted with his life all betrayed him ,what harry did not now as he was getting angrier the office was getting darker,as if the shadows were taking over the room,

Muaha cliffhanger please keep on reading promise to update tommorow
Bye my little gayliens

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