Chapter 3 "Fluki's Backstory"

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"Hello everyone in the UA High! my names Fluki Bakugou! my quirk is firecracker it's like my brother's explosions, but a lot smaller and yes I am the sister of Katsuki Bakugo or known as Kacchan from his friends. Anyways i'm here to tell you about my backstory so here it goes.," When I was born my brother Kacchan well...he didn't like me at fact, he hated me...he never would help me out at all mostly my dad and mom helped me...which I was fine with it. When I turned 4 that's when I got my quirk...I was fighting with my brother Kacchan and well he already had his quirk when he was about to hit me with his quirk my quirk kicked in and bam! he was blown against the wall even me...and let me tell you that hurt. Me and my brother were separated for a while...and well I stayed with Irene's and Izuku's mother which I didn't mind that at all...when we got to middle school well...let's just say it was rough for me and irene even for deku. When we got to UA High it was a dream come true me and Irene got the right training for our powers, you see Irene trained her powers with Uraraka cause their powers are almost the same and guess who I had to train brother so I had to deal with really hard training...and it sucked I always go see Deku, Iida, Uraraka, and Irene at the end of the day of school...their always worried about me, but I always say that "i'm fine...," or "i'm okay...," but i'm really not. When me and my brother were training on a weekend I kind of got hurt from last weekends training, but I let it slip then we got into an argument "DAMN NERD  YOU SHOULD USE YOUR POWER MORE!?," "WELL I'M SORRY THAT I'M NOT AS STRONG AS YOU OR ANY OTHER HERO!?," it went on and on until...I snapped when he said one thing..."YOUR NO SISTER OF MINE!? SHE WOULD'VE BEEN WAY MORE STRONGER AND MAYBE I WOULD'VE LOVED HER!?," "SHUT UP!?," i used my quirk so hard I flew into a tree and broke it and my brother flew, but he knew how to land...I was knocked out cold...I coughed out a lot of blood...All Might actually came cause he fought a villian was attacking, but it wasn't...Deku and Irene heard what was happening and ran over and seen me...I was out..."o-oh god...Kacchan...what did you do...!," Deku said covering his mouth...Irene stood there shaking and terrified over what was happening...All Might picked her up "i'll take to the hospital the ambulance probably won't get here in time and ran he ran like lighting and Kacchan just sat on the ground shocked and his face looked  he didn't know what to say or do...! At the hospital I woke up covering in bandages and all that...I remembered what happened and I heard someone walk was All Might...of all people it was him...I looked up at him and gulped "M-Mr. All Might please don't get mad I-I didn't mean to cause alot of trouble! I-I swear I-!," I felt him put his hand on my shoulder and I flinched scared over what he might say "it's fine miss. Bakugou! you dont need to apologize!, but im concerned what happened between your older brother? Katsuki Bakugou?," I sighed and told him everything...even when I was baby as well...he actually listened to me and nodded while I was talking..." seems your brother and you dont get alone at you?," I looked down "I mean I want it to work out I still care about him even though he is really rude to me...," I look up at All Might "I just want to show him that i'm strong, but he thinks i'm a weakling cause of my quirk...," He put his other hand on my other shoulder "huh?," he looked at me with a serious look "Miss. Fluki Bakgou that is not true! your quirk is amazing! you actually controlled it to make a stronger blast!, but you did cause a lot of damage to yourself...the doctors noticed you've been actually have some old scars cause of you pushing yourself too hard...which isn't healthy for you Miss. Bakgou...," I sighed and looked down as tears started to from in my eyes "I...I know i'm really sorry Mr. All Might...I'll try not to hurt myself anymore...," All Might gently pulled me into a hug which...I needed it and I just broke down there...I tried to hold it in, but I couldn't...! After all that happened I started to get consoling...and going out with my friends and family more...and spending a lot more time with my brother...which was weird, but he started to be more nicer to me...which I was glad he was...and well he got a bit overprotective over me when guys or villains were around...which I didn't mind it at all...anyways my brother and I started slow on our training and worked to the top...! While walking home with my brother Kacchan he looked at me and huffed "hey sis...I want to ask you something...," I looked at him and smiled "sure Kacchan? what is it...?," he rubbed his arm and looked at me "if I was gone...would you...miss me...?," I looked at him shocked at the question and stopped walking and he stopped and looked down "if you don't want to answer that's fin-!," I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly "of course I would miss you...! your my only brother...I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you Kacchan...!," he looked at me and smiled softly and hugged me back while rubbing my back and chuckled a little "heh...i'm glad you care about me sis...and I want you to know that I will protect you no matter what...," I looked at him and I smiled at him "hehe...thanks Kacchan...!,"

(end of this chapter hope your guys are enjoying these backstories!)

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