Day 1

13 1 2

Walking up to school, I came familiar to all the twats and bitches that go there. Wonderful.

One of the main ones being Katie Stafford, a total slut, if you don't mind me saying. She goes from guy to guy, making out with one then moving on to the next. Not to mention her instagram, which she posts on about 500 times a minute with pictures of herself.

Oh and look who's next to her with his arm round her shoulder. Jack Hardwood. Jack was quarterback of the football team, and a complete dick. To prove it, 6th grade...

My textbooks clutched firmly in my clammy hands, i trudged to math. No way was I being late with Mrs Wreinch as the teacher. She shouts right in your face so that you end up drenched in spit if you walk into her classroom late. And I am not in the mood.

To the least of my expectations, Jack Hardwood strolls over to my side. "Hey, Alex. How are you today?" Glaring at him, I looked around to see his mates sniggering behind us. "Go away." I answered in short. "Well that's a bit rude isn't it?" He stated. Then he did the unthinkable: tried to put his arm around my shoulder. Hell nah!
Most people don't even get anywhere near to talking to me, let alone touch me. Slapping his hand away, I shouted "what the hell do you think you're doing!?" He stood a back, shocked. Rolling my eyes, I paced forwards, only for Jack to jog beside me again within seconds. "Okay okay, bad move" he said, raising his arms like he was surrending. "I just wanna chat ya know. Is that such a crime?" He questioned. "Why would you want to talk to me? The only logical reason is you're trying to look cool in front of your mates or so you have something to talk about for the next 24hrs." I stated. Why did he have to be such a dickhead. I still can't believe he tried to put his arm around me. I shivered. "Jeez. Try to talk to a girl and they start confronting you." Jack sighed. Angered, i stopped and shouted "what's your deal, can't you just leave me alone! Why the fuck is such a popular guy like you wanting to talk to me, the girl who nobody fucking knows about!"
With that I stormed off to then hear everybody's mobile phones, including mine, ping at lunch, to find that Jack had taken a video of the entire thing, and had posted it to everyone in the school. Walking into the cafeteria, I became a laughing stock, before Jack appeared beside me with a glass of water, offering it to me then splashed it in my face as I reached for it.
~~~end of flashback~~~

Now do you see why jack is a total dick?

Anyway, walking though the big wooden doors, feeling the smoothness of the wood on my fingers, brung back a whole year full of memories. Memories that I wanted to forget.

Making my way to my lockers, I remembered Chloe Wright owned the locker next to mine. Chloe is one of Katie's sheep; follows her everywhere, does everything she says. Once upon a time she was my friend, now she gets Katie's lattés for her every morning just to be popular. I hate Chloe, I mean you can't blame me, she chose popularity over 10 years of friendship. Obviously that's 10 years of my life wasted on her.

Shoving my books in my locker, and slamming it shut, I made sure to barge past her as I walked by. Little things like that felt so good. On the way to drama class I imagined in my head all the outcomes it could lead to, most of them ending in me in isolation for violence. Heheh.

Slouching into my seat near the back of the room, I looked down at the familiar faces, go through them one by one: bitch, bitch, dick, twat, bitch, twat, decent, bitch. It was so fun to name everyone in the class, the most common name being bitch. I wonder why so many girls are named that...?

To my surprise, the class didn't go quite how I expected at all. At the start of the lesson Mr Barkley appeared up on the stage and welcomed in a new boy, Noah, telling us all to be nice and blah blah blah loads of more boring talk. The worst part was that he told this new kid to partner up with me. Great. I was enjoying having no one to act with.

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