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Name: FireWing

Diet: Dried lava or heated rocks; they drink molten lava

Average lifespan: About 90 years

Scale color(s): Shades of fire (red, orange, yellow), like SkyWing scales

Eye color(S): Pure black with white pupils

Horns/spikes/claws: Usually a dark gray color, jut out from top of head, curl back and split into two pricks (like SkyWing horns), sharp, needle-like claws, spikes that jut out from top of neck (similar to IceWing spikes)

Body shape: Thick, large, muscular bodies (very similar to SandWings), narrow, thick, long tails, muscular arms and legs

Other appearance details: Short, stubby spike at the end of each jawline; flames that will burn on the neck spikes depending on mood (angry, furious)

Abilities: Can burn anything they touch, can lower of increase temperature of scales willingly, can withstand extreme heat (over 800°F), can breathe fire

Special abilities: Optional firescales, very few can control lava (which is why the volcano still has lava everywhere but doesn't erupt)

Strengths: If they have their scales turned up to max heat, then nothing can harm them, it will just burn instantly, are the only dragons that can stand in lava,

Weaknesses: Temperatures below 30°F can be fatal, water makes burns like fire would burn a tree

Kingdom's name: Eastern Volcano

Kingdom's location: Southeast corner of Kasai where a massive, lava-surrounded volcano is

Palace(s): Volcanic Palace - a safely guarded palace deep within the palace made of dried lava (igneous rock), only FireWings can get anywhere near it without being severely burned

Other buildings: Hatcheries are small pools of lava where eggs are placed in, library and other big buildings are scattered around the volcano carved into the rock; most FireWings prefer to sleep in lava and others will sleep scattered around it

Ranks/Occupations: Guard, soldier, queen (only one), king (only one), librarian (usually only 2), caretaker, mentor, lava collector, lava cleaner

Tribe relationships: FireWings have a monthly breeding system (like MudWings), once a female has her eggs she immediately puts them into a random hatchery that is not the Royal Hatchery, and there they will hatch; usually don't keep in touch with their family or siblings; usually are aloof with each other but when they do hang out it's with their friends

Relationships towards other tribes: They are pretty neutral towards other tribes since most tribes leave them alone; other tribes do fear them because of their controllable firescales and few lava-control powers

Attitude towards dragons with special abilities: Accepted, since almost all have special abilities, they approve of animi (animuses?) and usually like to control them

Attitude towards hybrids: Strongly disapproved

Eggs: Are instantly put in public hatcheries after their mother lays the eggs; usually come in groups of 1-2 eggs per laying; are solid shades of gray, red, orange, maroon, yellow, gold; caretakers occasionally come through and make sure the eggs are safe

Dragonets: Once hatched, the dragonets are given a mentor who will teach them a few things about life; then the dragonets are given another rank. It is an instinct to sense their siblings; usually if a FireWing dragonet is meeting his/her blood relative for the first time, their scales' heat will increase

Other culture details: -

History: FireWings are also an original tribe of Kasai, although they used to live in a different location- they lived underground, as close to the island's atmosphere as possible where the heat levels are very high, before the volcano erupted and drove out the StoneWings who lived there and the FireWings took over that territory.

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