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Children of the Nekoka Book One


Akio had actually enjoyed that morning’s workout.  Jun was already proving himself to be an excellent teacher.  His manner was smooth, almost gentle, and never condescending.  He was also very encouraging while maintaining a high level of expectation.  Akio had easily been able to to follow Jun through his entire routine but he definitely felt thoroughly worked over. Jun certainly had excellent muscle control and balance. Akio knew that even most of his own pride brothers couldn’t come close to doing handstand push-ups, which Jun seemed to do with ease.  He was definitely thinking Jun had probably earned every bit of his rank as master.  He found himself hoping Jun was actually just a regular student and not someone working for the Sentaa. He had left to alone for most of the Saturday the day before. Jun was kind of relaxing to be around. During their workout was the first time he had felt at ease in days. No demands were made of him. It was nice to not actually have to worry about anything even if it was only for an hour. Jun hadn’t pressed Akio for information or pepper him with questions about being Nekoka which is exactly what had happened when they got to their homeroom class.

Jun had offered Akio an empty seat next to his but he had to decline having already decided on sitting near his brothers.  He felt it might be necessary to keep them in check.  Jun joined a couple of guys and they welcomed him openly. Their was also a that was vying for his attention. It seemed Jun at least had his own friends.  Akio moved on over to a row of desk were the four other Nekoka in his class had gathered.   Several girls, that were obvious fans, slowly gathered around them during the time they were waiting for the first bell to ring.  They mostly just welcomed them, introducing themselves and asked mundane questions like whether or not they liked their rooms or the cafeteria food that morning. Nothing overly rude or too personal.  Though one of the girls did ask if she could touch his tale. That had surprised him. The other girls reprimanded her for asking, giving him an out on responding.  For the most part Akio just stayed quite keeping a smile on his face so not to seem intimidating or unfriendly.  His pride brothers Hyo Takashi and Jaga Kenta seemed to being enjoying themselves and he was content to let them try out their negligible flirting skills.  Tora Masaru had a pasted on strained smile and kept quite. He was Akio’s beta, as in second-in-command.  He had a very sharp intellect but wasn’t to big on socializing.  Not that he couldn’t do it, Masaru could be smooth when he wanted to be he just usually felt it was a waste of time. On the other hand Chita Sho’s face was ablaze as he shyly answered some of the girls questions.  A group of them seem to instantly latch on to Sho, as they gushed about how adorable he was.  Akio could tell from Sho’s squirming that he was becoming incredibly uncomfortable.  He couldn’t help but admire the girls a little bit, they clearly had the courage to approach them when the boys of the class had not.  But Sho had always been intimidated by girls and he was thinking about stepping into divert the exuberant girls attention when finally one of the  guys approached them and called out to Sho.

“Hey, you’re Chita Sho, right?” The boy asked as he came to Sho’s desk.

“Yes, you can call me Sho though, there are six other Chitas in our pride, it can be confusing.” said Sho as he latched onto conversation with boy like a life line.

“Cool, I’m Kagome Isao, call me Isao and we can be friends.” said the boy, he flashed Sho a grin, obviously liking the he had instantly made friends with one of them.  “Some of your guys from the first year classes that we met last night said your were wicked good at soccer and would want to join the soccer club.  Do you want to come try out this afternoon? We already talked to our captain, he said you could.”  Sho lit up and flashed him a bright smile that the girls suddenly went gaga over.  Isao had brought up Sho obsession and he didn’t really care about being surrounded by girls anymore.  

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