More Dares!

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bethany_crestmere: "I dare you to rip your shirt off, swing it around, and run off, screaming at the top of your lungs, "I'M A PRETTY BALLERINA!"

What? No. *shakes head* No, no, no.


Grace_Rose_Hail_Hydra: "I dare you to...............WATCH THE WINTER SOLDIER"

I've already done that. *shrugs and chuckles* But I don't see why I can't do it again!


Silena_wonder: "I dare you to dress up as an amazon. The armored skirts and all."

*comes out in Amazon garbs* Do I look like how I feel? Awkward? ((Yes, very much so. Smile! *takes a picture*))


Clinton_Barton: "James, I dare you to poke Steve's cheek, scream like a fangirl and run away. You're welcome."

*shakes head* Nyet. Nyet, nyet, nyet. ((Wimp.)) ...*pokes Steve's cheek, squeals, then runs away* Done. Happy? ((Very :3))


Harry_Osborn_: "i dare you to put tin foil all around your right arm and walk around talking in a british accent asking people if they want to pet your arm"

Bozhe moi...okay. *wraps tin foil around right arm, then walks outside* Why am I doing this again? *sighs and clears throat, walks up to a man walking down the street, then says in a British accent* Do you want to pet my arm? ((*bursts out laughing*)) -.- This dare garnered me weird looks from strangers and familiar people alike.


NekotheSpirit: "I DARE YA TO TRY DANCING."

Um, okay...*dances awkwardly* ((*pulls out video camera* Hehe...)) *sighs and accidentally dances into the coffee table* OW! *falls backwards* ((This is hilariously weird...)) I hate dancing.

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