Daniel Sunray - A skillful and committed sales representative

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With extensive knowledge of jewellery and precious stones and having his own Jewellery Store named 'Sunray Gems', Daniel Sunray provides you the best jewellery which helps you to choose the best for you. He considers it his sole responsibility to attract people to buy the jewellery. Focusing on customer satisfaction, he advises a customer on what jewelry will look best on the customers within their budget. Whether it is about the different cuts of jewelry, their quality or their specifications, he has information about everything.

Being a skillful and a committed professional, Daniel Sunray possesses an extensive expertise of driving the results by consistently exceeding the sales targets. He also considers it his sole responsibility to inform customers about the upcoming designs, products, and features. After fully understanding and anticipating the requirements of the customers, he assists them in jewelry selection. He is highly adept at customer engagement and relationship building by making use of communication and a better sales approach.

Holding an exceptional expertise in time management and problem solving,  Daniel Sunray  is working as a salesperson at Allen m jewellers in New York. Besides, he possesses the excellent communication skills, negotiation skills and strong customer services to serve as a dedicated sales representative. He gives customer outstanding support by understanding their needs and recommending the right products and services. He comes up with the devised strategic plans to increase the sales goal, thus maintaining the customer relationships.

As a salesperson, Daniel easily guides people on purchasing the jewelry of their dream. He always comes up with the right jewelry piece that customers want and need. Overall, he possesses the ability to show how he is adding value and solving the problems.

Pertaining to his professional expertise, Daniel Sunray formerly served as a Mashgiach in a renowned restaurant, Daniel Sunray held himself to the highest standards of honesty. Being highly reliable, he always made sure that the food people were eating was 100% kosher. You cannot notice the difference between kosher and non-kosher through your naked eyes. Harboring a deep respect for Jewish law, Daniel upheld the Jewish legal standards about Kashrut. Adding more to his professional career, he served as a manager and Mashgiach at Mr. Broadway in 2016.

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