Chapter 4

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Ali's POV

After Blade dropped me off at home all I could think about was Did that really just happen or am I just dreaming? or am I in heaven? so to make sure that I wasn't dreaming I pinched myself "Ouch" I mumbled to myself, so I guess I'm not dreaming then.

*ring ring*

"OH MY GOD!!!! THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!!" Jayy said in almost a scream

"What was?" I asked hoping he wouldn't know that I knew he knew what he was talking about

"You and Blade!!!!" he said

"What do you mean?" I said hoping he couldn't hear me smile

"Don't play that game Ali, you know what I mean! don't think I did't see you and Blade kissing after you got up and left"

"Okay okay you win!" I replied

"YAY!!!!!!!!" he yelled/screamed

"Ouch! My ear!" I said

"Haha, sorry" he said trying not to laugh

"Hey I have to go, see you later"

"Bye bye"

After we hung up I grabbed my car keys, hopped in my car and drove to the store, when I got there I bought me some milk, cereal and some candy, paid for it all and walked out to my car. I was just about to my car when all of a sudden I heard someone shout look out and then everything went black.

Unknown Bystanders POV

I was on my way home from work when my mom called and said that I needed to go to the store and pick up a few things, so as I was locking up my car I saw a beautiful girl that looked to be around my age she had stunning grey eyes, black hair with a scene hair cut, snake bite pierceing as well as a bridge and eye brow piercing with some dark eye makeup and even though she was very pale it suit her very well and she wore a pair of black vans, black skinny jeans that fit her perfectly and a black veil brides shirt. I was walking towards her when out of the corner of my eye I saw a white truck drive right towards her and all I could think about was to get her out of the way.

"Look out!" I shouted, when she turned to see what was going on it was too late, I was in such shock that I took out my phone and call the police.

"Hello 911, what seems to be the problem?" the operator said

"There was an accident" I said frantically while I was running to see if the girl was still breathing

"Sir, can you tell me what happen?" the woman on the other line asked

"Umm...well I was going to the store when a truck hit a girl"

"Is she okay?"

"U-umm..." I stuttered while I was trying to find a pulse

"Sir? Are you still there?"

"Yeah, she needs and ambulance, she has a pulse but its very faint." I stated while I was trying to keep calm

"Help is on the way"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome sir"by the time the call ended I could all ready hear the sirens coming this way but I stayed by her side just to make sure she was going to be okay.

Authors Note

Sorry its taken me so long to update, I had massive writers block and school started up in August so I have been really busy lately.




Picture of Jayy on the side ------>

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