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So, my day so far is just...... no. Cancel anything I had planed, I'm going back to bed and make a blanket nest.

What's got you down, Gwen?

Thanks for asking, brain.


(1) I decided to re-write one of my stories, but after I'd just written 1,000 words, I forgot to save and my wifi gave out. So, that's gone.

(2) I'm hungry and too lazy to walk to the kitchen and make food.

(3) I want to watch Frozen again, but I can't find it.

(4) Oh, I ate ice cream outside at two a.m. in Alaska! just like what one of my awesomeness stalkers told me to do. The only ice cream we had wasn't good, but I ate it anyways! It's not really an complaint, but it's here now, so deal with it.

(5) My dog sat on me. he does this a lot.

Into the blanket nest I go!


(P..s I thought I'd give you this. 🍰 It's cake.)

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