One hour later

The movie went off and it was about 11 now. Kehlani still hadn't come up and I grew concerned. I got out of bed and exited the room. The hallways were dark and I could tell no one was downstairs. All of the lights were off. I quietly went looking in each room, one by one until finally I came across a guest bedroom where Kehlani laid motionless besides the steady rise and fall of her chest.

Shit. I'm the reason she's in here.

I carefully made my way to the bed and kneeled down next to kehlani's sleeping figure, studying her while she slept.

She was beautiful. For seemingly no reason. Her full lips and her wild hair. And then her eyes. Deep brown pools that sucked you in if you looked at them for too long. So easy to get lost in but hard to find your way out. She was perfect.

You're not Y/N.

"Kehlani.." I whispered, trying not to startle her. She didn't even budge however.

"Kehlani..." I repeated, this time placing my hand on her cheek. This time she stirred a bit before her eyes opened, revealing her beautiful brown irises.

"Y/N...what are you doing? Why aren't you sleep?"

I bit my lip, searching my brain for a lie. I didn't want to tell her that I preferred her sleeping with me.

"I uh..I had a pretty traumatic dream..and I need some company so I can calm down."

Kehlani sat up and pulled me towards her. Before we were even at a distance that was dangerous for me, she gently pushed me back.


"Sorry. I forgot already." She muttered as she rubbed her eyes and picked herself up out of bed.

"Come on I'll keep you company till you fall asleep again."

Or you can keep me company all night.

Shut up Y/N.

Kehlani led me back to the master bedroom and got under the duvet while I did the same.

As I got under the blankets, I noticed Kehlani was on her side. Her back was facing me. I laid  down and stared at her little tank top that complemented her figure. Matter of fact anything she wore complemented her figure. She was the definition of perfection.

You know you can't think like this Y/N. You know it's wrong.

I stared at her back for a while before my eyelids started to get a little heavy. I felt myself dozing off and soon enough my eyes were closed. But before I fully went to sleep, I felt Kehlani get out of bed. My guess was that she was going back into the guest room.

"Stay." I said barely above a whisper with my eyes still closed.

I felt a little pressure return to the bed. "What?" Kehlani whispered back.

"Stay with me. I get cold." I lied hoping she would get back in bed and wrap her arms around me the way I liked.

No. Stop.

I felt Kehlani get up so I opened my eyes and they were greeted with Kehlani throwing a thick blanket over me and beginning to leave the room once again.

Don't leave me here.

"Kehlani please stay. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. I've never done that before and this is all pretty new and scary to me. Please just stay with me. You don't have to be afraid to touch me. I actually like when you hold me while I'm sleeping. It's comforting."

Carnage [Kehlani/You]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu