28.04.2019 News

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Hey guys Soarin here.

As promised, here are the news of this week.

Before we do though, I hope you guys have a wonderful day sofar and a even better week in general.

How am I doing ?

I guess you are about to find out...

News of this week

》Well, first of all I'd say we start with the obvious.

I'm gonna update "Return of a loved one" tomorrow.

I do have some stuff to do tomorrow, but like always, I'm gonna try to update around 3pm.

》Also I'd like to thank you guys for checking out the new story that I published, even though it has nothing to do with the stuff that I usually publish.

》Now I'd like to awnser some of your comments and questions.

》Now I'd like to awnser some of your comments and questions

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Well, I guess I just did 😅.

Sorry you had to wait.

Sorry you had to wait

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I will try to do one for the upcomming week.

Sadly I can't promise anything.

Sorry about the late reply.

》How was my week ?

Boring like always and I'm missing like 3 days of sleep.

But I'm fine...

Just going crazy...😅


I think so...🤔

Wait what was I talking about...

Oh right, I'm missing a lot of sleep, because I'm I'm working a lot on my bike lately.

Stupid maintenance that I have to do like every two weeks. 😒

Its starting to drive me crazy.

By the way, are any of you interrested in bikes ?

Or maybe just stunt shows or races or something.

If you are, please let me know.

I'm curious if anyone shares a similar interest. 😌

Well...I guess this is it for this week.

This is Soarin signing out and like always, I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I will see you guys soon.

Bey :)

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