*Cole Sprouse*

48 1 6

This is a request from Shannon1300
So enjoy!

*Coles POV*

"I just got a new role and you didnt haha"Dylan said dancing around the room "will you just shut up about that stupid role" i said dylan looked at me and glared "make me failure" he said with a mischevious smirk i got up from the couch and punched him right across the face he fell to the ground i felt horrible was i really a failure  "COLE MITCHELL SPROUSE" i turned around to see my mom with a stern look on her face "GO TO YOUR ROOM YOUR GROUNDED" i ran to my room and slammed my door
*Shannons POV* (im just gonna use your name. That was in your username hope thats ok)
I was laying on my bed when i got a call it was dylan i picked up "hey shan can you come over plz" "k why?" I asked "its cole he wont come out of his room and we thought maybe he'd come.out for you" he said "sure on my way" i put down the phone and headed over to their house i plugged my.headphones into my phone and started playing "P.Y.T" by Michael jackson (i really like this song) and started walking to his house and started singing the song to myself
"I want to love you pretty young thing" then finnally i was there i took my headphones off and knocked on the door dylan answered the door "Shannon" He said "he's upstairs" i headed up me and cole arent together but were best friends since we were little and i've always had a little crush on him since we were little when i opened the door he didnt look up he just whispered "please whoever you are just go away" he said "Cole its me" he looked up immediatly "Shannon" he said he got up and hugged me then he immideatly started breaking down "im a failure" he muttered into my shoulder "cole mitchell sprouse you are anything but a failure" as i said that he looked up and sat on the edge of his bed " its just dylan gets new roles everyday, then theres me i get none and its just today i completely lost it" he said " hey just cause you dont get roles everyday doesnt mean your a failure and everyone loses it sometimes Its called being human" he looked up at me and our faces kept going closer and closer until our lips met in the middle and we kissed " i love you" he said "i love you too" i said " now i dont wanna ruin our friendship but after that i dont think this will will you be my girl" he said "yes,yes i will"

Hope you enjoyed thx for the request so as soon as you gave it i FREAKED OUT idk why i just did well byeeee
~Barney the purple dinosaur

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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