Part 1 - Meeting Petals

Start from the beginning

"Are you kidding? Again? I mean you've seen me on the battlefield, right?" Ruby makes you recall.

"What battlefield?" You asked her.

"The entrance exams?" She reminded.

"Ahhh, yeah. Your scythe seems kinda chaotic, to be honest." You commented, she gave a concerned expression.

"I mean the way it transforms into a scythe then a rifle then into something smaller.. just weird." You pretended to be disgusted of the weapon.

"Whaa?! How does that look weird to you?" Ruby chided.

"I'm kidding." You rubbed her head like she is a child.
"Your scythe is really cool. You're blessed with a talent that I don't have and it's called going a little overboard in making your weapon." You complimented her.

"Oh?" She appreciated the praise. "Thank you?" But she was unsure if it was legit.

"You know. Mine is a thin sword. The blade is composed of light and electricty, can be generated out of its hot red hilt." You explained your weapon's system.

Ruby here is a big fan of WEAPONS. You see her eyes sparkling even without seeing a hint of your weapon's appearance.

"Really!?" She geeked at you.

"Yes, really." You confirmed.

"Can I see it now!?" Ruby requested.

"Sure." You accepted her request. Then she hopped cheerfully in the air.

"Right after you help me at the library." You interrupted her celebration.


"Yep. Now let's get going."

Later At The Library.

"Grimm.. grimm.. grimm.." You muttered, scanning through shelves looking for the book that would hold all the information you need to know about the soulless creatures called Grimm.

"Did you just mutter grimm three times?" Ruby asked, who had been tailing you the whole time.

"Yes, I did." You still couldn't find the ideal book.

"What's the title of the book that holds all information about grimm?" You asked Ruby.

"Book? Um.. I never really learned about them through books, unfortunately." Ruby excused, scratching her head again.

"Good. But.. can you miniquiz me a little?" You requested, after you finished scanning the shelves.

"Miniquiz?" Ruby didn't know what you meant yet.
"Yes, Miniquiz. Tell me what animal each grimm resembles and I'll identify the type of grimm it is." You explained to her.

"Oh.." She tapped her chin.

"Which type of grimm is the one that looks like a combination of both a wolf and a bear?"
Ruby gave you the first question.

"Is that the one with hedgehog spikes all over its head?" You asked.

"Yeah!" Ruby confirmed.

"Beowulf." You answered.

"Correct!" Ruby declared.

"Piece'o'cake. That first question was child's play." You said.

"Now. How about the one that looks like a scorpion?" Ruby questioned.

"Death Stalker." You answered.

"Good." Ruby declared you correct.

"Now. This one's a special question!" Ruby stated.

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