Chapter 1: The London Underground

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"I'm not going to be held responsible for your mistakes Jinping!" Shouted the man over the phone. "It's your agency's responsibility to avoid these international incidents and your agents did nothing but stand around and do nothing!" Shouted the Chinese president on the other side of the line. "The U.N.S.B can only carry out operations on UN soil if the government of that country agrees to the operation and yours didn't, so how about you take it up with them!" Shouted the man over the phone. "I'm sorry if our refusal to act didn't make any more popular in Congress, but if you're going to pretend that your country is the only one we serve then you better check our resume!" The man on the phone slammed it down onto the table and stormed out of his office.

The man stormed out of two automatic doors and into a strange looking foyer. It looked quite like one of those old Roman palaces. A woman from behind a desk quickly ran up to the man. "Mr Andrews I'd thought you'd like to know that the KGB Director of foreign affairs is upstairs for the blueprints that you promised him!" Said the lady in a very flustered voice. "Can you remind me what the blueprints were for?" Asked Mr Andrews in a confused tone. "It's the ones for that tanker that the bratva was sneaking into Moscow!" Explained the woman. The man rubbed his face in worry. "Tell him he'll have it by Thursday!" Mr Andrews concluded. "It is Thursday sir!" Explained the woman again. "Then by next Thursday!" Concluded Andrews again. He walked over to a lift and entered in a code on a keypad and the door opened with the words *How is your day Mr Andrew* To which he replied: "Hectic as usual." Unsurprisingly.

The lift must've gone about fifty levels when it finally reached level 36. Mr Andrews walked out into a natural office building in London. It was like he was never in that building at all. Andrew's face had turned from angry and distraught to proud and hopeful as he walked down a long line of office spaces until he reached a very small one near the window. "Mr Hoven are those reports I asked you to do on my desk?" Andrews asked the man working in the small space who looked quite stressed. "Yes, don't worry sir but I have to ask why did you need those reports on the radiation level of Chernobyl?" He asked. "Private matters I'm afraid." Andrews explained In a reassuring tone. He then walked away through what looked like an endless amount of workspaces. Mr Hoven was once again confused. His job was very strange. This was an environmental protection agency and his area of expertise was in Peru's deforestation. It was a hard job getting a reliable source in the middle of an illegal deforestation operation that brought in a lot of money to daily workers. Now, out of the blue, his boss asks him to look into the radiation levels of Chernobyl.

Hoven had finally had enough of this constant secrecy. Hoven was finally going to summon up the courage to go straight to Andrews's office and put in his complaint. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time that Hoven had been filled with this courage. He was a flat out coward and he knew it. Every time he'd ever had the courage he'd all but lose the courage before he could even get out of his seat. This time was different though. He'd actually gotten out of his seat this time. He started walking towards the office but expectedly by the time he'd reached the door his courage had been scattered to the wind. Hoven you need to do this he though. For once in your life you need to stop being a coward he concluded. He knocked on the door and walked in. What he saw was scarring.

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