Joey and Maisie

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Joey - bold
Maisie- normal


Are you from Tennessee?
cause you're the only 10
i see ;)

Cute but simple.
Bet i can do better than that.

Throw it at me

Is your name Google? cause you have
everything i'm searching for.

Too cheesy.
Let's have a pick up line war :)
Whoever wins, gets to make
the winners wish come true.

But i'm not a genie?

Neither am i, but they have
to be wishes that are possible
to complete.

Oh it's on. Be ready to lose.

I'll start :)
I'm not a photographer,
but i can picture me and
you together.

Are you a camera? Cause every time
i look at you you, i smile.

Are you a magician? Cause
whenever i look at you,
everyone else disappears.

My lips are skittles, wanna
taste the rainbow?

You spend so much time
in my mind, i should charge
you rent.

We are not socks, But
i think we would make a
great pair.

Is your body from mcdonald's?
Cause i'm Mclovin' it.

Are you calling me fat 😦

No! Never!

Okay..if you say so.
If you were a transplant surgeon, i'd
give you my heart.

If God made anything
more beautiful than you,
i'm sure he'd keep it
for himself.

Do you have a map? cause i'm getting
lost in your eyes.

Is that a mirror in your pocket?
Cause i can see myself in
your pants.

Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause
you've got a pretty sweet ass ;))

Do you have a band-aid?
cause i scraped my knee
falling for you.

You win  :(

haha, loser

Yeah, yeah, whatever.
What's your wish ?

To meet you.

{Vote, comment, share :) }
something is gonna happen very soon...

and i got all of these pick up lines form once-upon-a-star 💗

thank for reading my loves 💕


-Katie x

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