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Maggie glanced around the pound in nervousness. It was full of sweat, barks and dribble. She curled up, whining. Would someone eventually take her to a new home? Before she was sent to the pound, she was abused by her former owners. So she ran away, but the pound found her and took her. I mean, it's better than being with my owners.... she thought. Maggie was locked in a cage, with half-eaten, tasteless dog pellets, water spilt everywhere, and a ripped-up dog bed she had curled up on. What's with humans? Maggie asked herself, They take the cute-looking ones over typical of them. She perked her ears, jumping to her paws. A human! It could choose her! She tried chasing her tail, jumping around playfully. "That one!" A toddler pointed to her. It's working! The older one shook its head. "We want a small cute one." They kept walking, finding a smaller, fatter dog. There excited voices were muffled as she covered her ears with her paws. They all want the same. A funny, cute, family dog. Obviously that's not my place.

Hours past and she was hungry. She decided to get up to taste those tasteless pellets in her metal food bowl. She took a mouth-full, breaking it down in her mouth. Saliva hung from her mouth like long ropes. She shook her head, and the dribble went flying. Suddenly, boots stomped into the room, she looked up to see a camo-coloured uniform standing in front of her. In her bed, Maggie wagged her tail and flattened her ears. "Come here," a male voice called softly. She obeyed, walking slowly and cautiously to the human. He stuck his hand out in trust, and Maggie sniffed it, then licked it. Through the bars she licked the human's face frantically. It laughed. "I like this one," he said to another male in camo walking toward towards them. Maggie couldn't keep her excitement to herself. Suddenly she burst into a crazy mood of jumps, dances and rolls. "Okay, sure mate."the second human laughed.

Keys clicked as the cage unlocked. The other small dogs looked in jealousy. That's what you get! She stuck her tongue out in revenge. The first human in camo picked her up and she licked his face frantically again. He had brown hair and a muscular body. She was the happiest she had ever been in her whole life. He held a collar and leash in his hand, and attached it to her. "You'll be Sarbi," the guy said, "I'm David." "Sarbi" barked in joy. David held out a delicious-looking treat. She sniffed it. It smelt awesome! She looked at him, then ate the treat. It tastes better than it smells.... She licked her lips."Thanks, mate," David said to the person holding the keys. "We'd better get going to training."
Training? She shot her head up in excitement.
"Any time, if it's for your job 'ere, she's a smartn'" the pound keeper replied. David tagged the lead softly and they walked on. "C'mon Tom." He called to his colleague. "We going? Ah, I was just lookin' at this dog." He raced over as they opened the doors and continued to walk.


"Okay, fine. Once more." David sighed as the sun was setting through the trees. She wagged her tail restlessly. This is pointless! But I love it! Sarbi sniffed out he ground. Then it hit her. The strong scent...she rewind her memory half an hour ago. Oh, it's the bomb! She dug up sand, hitting it the fake, metal, scented bomb. She clenched it in her teeth. She pulled her head out of the sand, sneezing out sand.
"Good girl!" David complemented her, and she wagged her tail in pride as he gave her another treat. Her favourite part of it was the treats, of course! Sarbi dropped the bomb onto the ground, licking her new owner's face.
"So, a quicker learner, eh?" Tom came over and scratched her behind the ear. "Mhm, fastest learner yet."
What's he mean, "fastest learner yet?" She thought. "She'll make a great bomb-sniffer," David smiled. "Well, its time to go back inside. What do you think, Sarbi?" He asked, and she banged her tail against the ground repetitively.
"We'll take that as a yes," David laughed.

I'm working on chapter two, I'll try and finish a chapter in every few days or so!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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