Part 3

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"They're where?" You ask in alarm, your breath catching.
"Rarity and Applejack are on a friendship mission, and I have no way to get them. Pinkie Pie has been taken along with Fluttershy to Discord's home, at least that's what he's told us. And Rainbow Dash... She's been cursed." Twilight says, a twinge of pain in her voice.
"Cursed?" You ask.
She nods, and Spike does as well.
"Well? Where is she?" You ask, propping a brow.
Twilight sighs, "Starlight Glimmer is taking care of her right now. They're both in the castle, follow me." She says.
You reluctantly follow.

Twilight leads you down a corridor that you've found to be rather familiar. There are several spare bedrooms down this way. You're almost stepping on her hooves, anticipation causing a bit of adrenaline.
She pushes open a door and glances your way, then continues to open the door to reveal the situation.
You can already hear a faint whimpering in the bed, noticing that the sheets are slumped up like somepony— Rainbow Dash— was under them. Starlight is beside the bed, and looks up to catch your eyes. You share the same regret and fear in your gaze, but she seems hopeful to see you. Doesn't that just put more pressure on your pony shoulders?
She walks to you quickly, "Dear Celestia, we're glad to see you." She says softly, relieved.
You open your mouth to tell her you haven't the faintest clue how to help, then decide against it. "I'm happy to see you too. You and Rainbow." You say, just a bit louder.
The blanket slump shuffles. "(Y/N)?" Dash's sad voice crows from underneath the sheets.
And of course, you go to her.
"Hey Dash..." you coo, trying to be soft, but you must admit that your curiosity is causing your stomach to anchor. "What's going on?"
"Don't look at me," She says quickly, but you're already gently tugging at the blankets, and tiredly, she recedes.
Your heart sinks.
Dash's fierce fuscia eyes are now clouded over, almost completely. You can faintly see her pupils but they're staring blankly. She has dark circles under them from crying, but one looks far worse than the other, like she's irritated it.
You're speechless. "I—I... P-poison joke?" You quickly turn to the two unicorns.
"Poison joke creates cruel tricks. This is far worse than a trick." Starlight says, shaking her head.
"We've already tried a number of remedies." Twilight added, frowning.
"Who did this to her?" You ask, voice now trembling.
"Discord." Spike interjected, pushing between Twilight and Starlight. "He was good. Or getting better, at least." He said with a frown.
"Than it's Rudy's fault. And I'll get to the bottom of it," you promise, eyebrows now furrowed.
You turn back to Dash. "I promise." You say, sincerely. But she's looking somewhere else now, completely lost of motivation.
Twilight and Starlight wait patiently for you, but you turn around instead, with a fire to your step. You have determination and revenge fuming in your heart.

   "Where is Rudy?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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