And They're Off! Pt. 2 - Race X Reader

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Boom! Betcha didn't expect the next part out so soon! Haha!


You wandered into your family's private box, dazed and still beaming from the prospect of a date with Race later today.

Wait, was it a date? I mean, he did give you a kiss on the cheek, so probably. But what if that's just him being friendly? You didn't know what he considered platonic or whatever. What if you completely misunderstood the situation? What if...

What if you just stopped overthinking everything for once and just enjoyed the fact that you were going to get ice cream with a really cute dude?

That works.

You smiled dreamily as you plopped down into your seat, gazing out at the racetrack. You'd see your Racetrack soon down there. That thought made your smile grow even wider.

This pleasant daze, however, was interrupted by your Grandmother slamming the door to the box open and scrambling over to you frantically. Your elation instantly deflated into disbelief and horror. She was gasping for air, a panicked look clear on her weathered face. You jumped up and rushed over to her, placing your hands on her shoulders.

"Grandmother! What's wrong?! Are you alright?" She looked up at you, tears in her eyes, then pulled you into a hug.

"Oh (Y/n), my darling dear..." she whimpered. You'd never seen your grandmother so distraught in all your life.

"Is it Grandfather? Is he alright? What about Skye? Please, tell me what's wrong!" You cried, trying to hold back a wave of your own tears.

"Paul just told me he will not be riding for us any longer."

"What..?" You gasped quietly, feeling a bit faint. Grandmother nodded sadly.

"The World bribed him to sabotage your race today. He took the money and now your reputation will be ruined!"

"Is Skye alright?!" You demanded frantically. If he injured her in any way—

"Yes, he didn't harm her, but we have no rider! She can't race today and it'll look as though it's all our faults! I'm... I'm so sorry, (Y/n)"

Grandmother burst into tears once again. Failing to hold back her devastation, she ran off to the ladies room, not wanting to be seen in such a state. You weren't in much better shape, but you remained rooted to the spot.

Racetrack rode for The World. Did he have a hand in this? He must have.

You knew it was too good to be true.

Here you were thinking everything was going to be just perfect for you. And now what? You'd let a pretty face distract you from your purpose here. You were a complete disgrace to your family name; to your mother. How could you have let this happen? In your dismay, you didn't notice the golden mane of curls bolt into the box.


You looked over at him, betrayal clearly plastered on your face.


"No, George Washington. Yes Anthony!" The blond boy snapped, obviously a little annoyed at you. His attitude sliced through your wall of composure, letting your frustration, betrayal, and anger rush out. You stepped towards him, livid.

"You, sir, have no right to use that tone of voice with me. Your stable... you... you ruined any chance I had at actually amounting to something." Tears welled up in your eyes once again. Dang it, you were so weak today...

Race just looked worried. You channeled your hurt into anger and turned it all on him.

"They put you up to all this, right?" He didn't respond. You lowered your tone to mock Pulitzer, the owner of The World Stable.

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