Dear Diary - A Davey Oneshot

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By popular demand (and by that I mean like two people), here's a couple of entries from Davey's cute-in-a-manly-way (not in a manly way) diary.

*Based partially on my own personal diary from ages 10-present*


Dear Locd Diary,

I named you Locd Diary cos you have a loc on you! My name is David Jacobs, but momy calls me Davey. I'm 9! Bye bye. Momy sais its bed tiem!


Dear locd diary,

Momy has a baby in her tummy! She sais she didnt eat it, but if she didnt eat it, howd it get in there?

I hope he's a boy. i want a little brother so I can protekt him and be his best frend



Dear Loced Diary,

I haven't written in you for a long time. my last note was almost a year ago... maby 2. MOMMY HAD A BOY BABY! His name is Les, but thay say it like Less. I don't know why thay named him that. I would have named him More becase hes so cute! I wish I had a camra so I could take piktures of him.



Dear Loced Diary,

I helped mom clean the kitchen today and she told me I'm a big boy and a big help. After that I played with Les (hes one now!) and played with Tommy and Henry in the ally by our house. Mom said she didn't like that, so Tommy and Henry said I was lame and a sissy. That's ok.



Dear Locked Diary,

Aunt Helen and Unkle Dan and cousin Larry came today. Before they got hear, we hae̸d to clean ALOT!!!! I also played with Kenny today we played inside and outside. It was fun. :)



Dear Locked Diary,

Unkle Dan And Aunt Helen left today. I wanted to play with Larry more but Unkle Dan had his job.



Dear Locked Diary,

Hello! Do you remember me? I'm back! From where? Nowhere. I'm doing well in school and I really like reading. My teacher says I'm really smart, just like mom says! Les is going to be two soon. He's getting so big!



Dear Locked Diary,

Can you tell I write in you spiraticly? Today I folded alot of laundry, wrote a paper for school, and read a book. Tomorow I have to write another essay, learn some math, and learn conjugashons (I probably spelled that wrong) in French. That's a LOT of school! Good night, Diary! Zzz...

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