“You don’t believe the rumours?” I asked with a quizzical expression. The corner of one side of Christopher’s lips turned up in a slight smile.

“You mean the ones that they you’re a slut? The ones that say you belong to the famous Ryder McKnight? The ones that say you let you reputation turn to smoke?” Christopher asked and I swallowed, glancing at the ground, “No.” I hope flickered within me. He didn’t? How… everyone else believed it… so why didn’t he?

“Why not? Everyone’s talking about it. It’s even made the paper.” I questioned in a dull tone, giving him a small shrug.

“So? Just because everyone’s talking about it doesn’t mean it’s true,” Christopher said and his eyes sparkled, “I refuse to be a victim to prejudice. I’m not going to judge a person before I know them. Besides, I think that there’s more to you than what people are saying.” I didn’t know what to say. The words he had spoken had filled me with this sense of joy and hope that I hadn’t felt in ages.

Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me, “Thank you.” I managed to say even though there was so much more I could have said. Christopher’s smile grew across his face again, making me smile.

“What class do you have next?” Christopher asked and I glanced down at my time able that sat on top of my books.

“Art,” I replied, glancing curiously over at him, “You?”

“Art as well,” Christopher said, his smile only widening, “So, you’re an artist?”

“I was… I mean, I wanted to be. But Ryder ruined all chances of that.” I said with a huff, pursing my lips. Christopher raised both eyebrows in curiosity before nudging me gently and nodding towards the door.

“You can tell me all about it on our way to class.” Christopher said and a wide smile spread across my face. I nodded and walked side by side with the breath-taking Christopher all the way to class. I told him about the day my dreams were crushed and how I earned my title as Ryder’s girl. He would watch me intently, grabbing onto every word that I spoke. It was like for the first time, someone was actually listening to me.


“So what your deal with my girl, Grace? I thought you used to be friends?” I asked, my voice already spiralling towards my dangerous tone. I had been trying to ask her about it for the past ten minutes and she’d avoided the question. But now that I had her back against the lockers and my fist slammed just a few centre metres above her head, I was pretty sure she would give me an answer.

“Listen up, jerk. You used me just to get to her. I’m allowed to be pissed off. The only way to get back at you was through Jess. A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do.” Grace hissed at me, her eyebrows narrowing. Feisty little chick.

“Well, listen up, skank. I use everybody. It’s what I do. If it’s taken you this long to figure it out then you’re more blonde than I thought. I’m going to use Jessica eventually and then it’ll be all over. I wanted her and I needed to know more about her. You were my ticket to get in. A guy’s got to do what a guy’s got to do.” I retorted, using her own words against her but putting a twist on it. Grace scowled at me and when she took a deep breath, I prepared for an explosion.

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