18. The Storm

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Back to the forest, after the storm had taken them by surprise, Donny and Samantha rushed to a near cave in order to be sheltered from the rain.

SAMANTHA – Donny...

DONNY – Yes, Samantha?

SAMANTHA – Excuse me, it's my fault if we're stuck here.

DONNY – Don't worry, I'm not mad at you.

SAMANTHA – Our parents are surely worried right now.

Samantha was trembling because she was cold.

DONNY – Samantha, are you okay?!

He gave her his jacket, posing it on her shoulders in order to make her warm.

DONNY – You want to know what I was doing at the graveyard?


DONNY – Well, I come often to visit my grandmother's tomb. Last time, you heard me talking. In fact, I was talking to her.

SAMANTHA – Oh Donny... I'm so sorry, I didn't know...

DONNY – No problem...

Then, she gave him back Ruby's book.

SAMANTHA – Take it, I think it's yours...

DONNY (smiling) – Thank you.

SAMANTHA – One day, I'd like you to present me to your grandma. Would you?

DONNY – Of course, I promise you.

By this time, Bobby and his wife had arrived to Sophie's.

SOPHIE – What are you doing under that storm?! Come in quickly!

BOBBY – Sophie, is Samantha here?

SOPHIE – Um no, I haven't seen her.

Bobby's wife started to cry.

SUZY – Oh no! Dear God, my daughter is all alone under that storm!

SOPHIE – Don't worry! Donny is missing too. I'm sure they're together. If Samantha is with Donny, then there's no reason to panic, they fear no danger. I trust my son.

Suddenly, Sky came out of the blue.

SKY – If it reassures you, I'll go to look for them.

SUZY – Oh yes, thank you so much!

BOBBY – I'm coming with you Sky!

SKY – No need, stay sheltered here. I'll be back soon.

Meanwhile, Donny and Samantha were still hiding in the cave when they suddenly saw a light approaching them.

SAMANTHA – Donny, look!

DONNY – Are you seeing what I see?!

SAMANTHA – What is this?! I'm afraid...

Donny looked carefully at the light which was approaching them more and more: it was someone carrying a torch. Then, he recognized the person, it was Sam.

DONNY – Don't worry, that's Grandfather Sam! He came to help us.

SAMANTHA – Grandpa!

SAM – Donny?! Samantha?! What are you doing here? Come with me.

The children followed Sam to his little cottage where he helped them to dry.

Back to Sophie's, Bobby and his wife were still worried. Sophie prepared to them 2 cups of tea hoping it will help them to calm down.

SUZY – Sky still isn't back. I dare not imagine where my dear little daughter is.

SOPHIE – I'm sure Samantha is safe where she is. Now, calm down. Here are 2 cups of tea. Drink while it's still hot.

SUZY – Thank you.

Surprised by the way Sophie was treating him and his wife, Bobby didn't know what to say. She welcomed them in her house, offered them tea while her husband was searching for their daughter under the rain.

BOBBY – But, why?

SOPHIE – I'm sorry, I didn't understand.

BOBBY – Why are you being good to us?

SOPHIE – What a silly question Bobby! Because you're my brother! You know, I'll always be there to help in every way because I know you'll do the same to me if I was in trouble.

Bobby felt ashamed. He realized that Sophie was being good to him while he had been conspiring a whole plan with his brother to make her suffer and break her marriage.

Meantime, at Sam's cottage, Donny and Samantha caught their grandfather drawing a plan on his board.

DONNY – What are you drawing Grandpa Sam?

SAM – I can't tell you, it's a surprise...

SAMANTHA – Please Grandpa! I can't wait to know!

DONNY – Yeah! Tell us what it is!

SAM (laughing) – Okay, okay... Well children, you know that since I remarried Donny's grandmother, I had been living on this island, far from my sons and from you Samantha. This is why I decided to design a big cottage for the whole family that I'll build here in Kalokairi. Thus, Samantha, her parents and her uncle Joe could stay here next to us whenever they want to come.

SAMANTHA – A cottage? For us?!

SAM – Yes honey.

DONNY – That's an awesome idea!

SAMANTHA – Donny! I'll be living next to you!

DONNY – Oh I can't wait!

SAMANTHA – Thank you grandpa!

They hugged Sam.

SAM (laughing) – You're welcome my darlings! I'm so happy that you two get along so well.

Donny and Samantha looked at each other and blushed.

SAM - But promise me to not say anything to your parents. I'll announce it to everybody during the party.

SAMANTHA – I promise!

DONNY – It will be our secret.

After searching all over the island, Sky couldn't find any of the missing children and returned to his house where Bobby and his wife were still waiting anxiously.

BOBBY – Sky is back!

SUZY – Where are the children?!

Suddenly, the phone rang and Sophie rushed to it and answered.

SOPHIE – It's Sam! He's saying that he found the children. They are safe and sound.

SUZY – God be praised!

Bobby and his wife jumped relieved into each other's arms.

BOBBY – Thank you Sophie! Thank you Sky!

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