12. One Man, One Woman

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Back in the present, the morning after the incident, Sophie and Sky were sitting at the breakfast table without saying one word. Sky was still very mad about what happened yesterday. Sophie who had disappointed her husband was very ashamed of herself. She would have liked to talk and explain what really happened, but she remained silent. Suddenly, Sky stood up and without saying a word, he left the house after slamming the door. Distraught, Sophie was holding back her tears.

(Song: One Man, One Woman)

SOPHIE - No smiles, not a single word at the breakfast table
Though I would have liked to begin
So much that I want to say, but I feel unable
You leave and slam the door
Like you have never done before
And I cry and I feel so helpless

Sky was walking around the island without any goal, thinking of Sophie.

SOPHIE & SKY - One man, one woman
Two friends and two true lovers
Somehow we'll help each other through the hard times
One man, one woman
One life to live together
One chance to take that never comes back again

SOPHIE - You and me, to the end
Outside I can see the sun through the open window
Inside everything feels so cold

SKY - What's wrong, what is happening, where did all our love go?
Sometimes when I just can't cope
I cling to a desperate hope
And I cry and I feel like dying

SOPHIE & SKY - One man, one woman
Two friends and two true lovers
Somehow we'll help each other through the hard times
One man, one woman
One life to live together
One chance to take that never comes back again

SKY - You and me, to the end

SOPHIE - You and me, to the end

As the music was fading out, Donny got out from his room seeing his mother who was sitting alone at the table while crying. He felt sad seeing his parents in this horrible situation, not knowing what to do. Why love was this hard? Why does it have to hurt that much? He couldn't understand. Confused, he decided to go to the graveyard, carrying Ruby's book. Once he arrived at Donna's tomb, he told her what his parents were going through. Then, he opened the book and continued to read, hoping to find an answer to his problem.

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