Wedding pt. 2

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Hizashi was nervous. Like, genuinely and truly nervous. He picked at the tie, wanting it to loosen its vice like grip around his throat. He was sweating too, worrying that his deep burgundy suit would be stained by the buckets of sweat pouring down from his head. He tried to not fidget with his tie and loosen it, especially after Midnight had taken such care to tie it for him.
"Relax. You're going to be fine!" He told himself in the mirror, swallowing hard and giving a weak smile. The door creaked open slowly, revealing Eri in her flower girl gown.
"Papa?" She walked over and he scooped her up.
"Yes sweetheart?" Hizashi felt his nerves calm as she looked up at him sweetly. She didn't answer.
"Are you nervous?" He asked, kissing her forehead. She giggled and shook her head no.
"Midnight wanted me to give you the flower for your pocket." She proudly presented the 3 flowers, tied together with gold string. One was a bright yellow sunflower to signify himself, one was a deep blue daisy to represent Aizawa, and the last was a purple cosmos for Eri. She tucked it into his chest pocket and patted his head. He smiled, his jitters gone and nothing but happiness filling his body.
"Hizashi, are you ready?" Midnight asked from the door. She smiled as Hizashi kissed Eri's forehead and they all walked to the ceremony room.
About 150 people sat in the grey folding chairs outside. It was an even split, the long aisle accentuated by the deep burgundy carpet rolled across the lush grass. The alter was decorated to look like vines climbing up and over the arch, flowers dripping off every surface and creating the top was a golden statue. It wasn't very large, but the detail was impeccable. It showed the sun, blazing with its bright light and energy, while the moon in its humble crescent curled around the sun. Hizashi and Aizawa were the sun and moon, total opposites and completely dependent on each other. It smelled sweet outside, like cherry blossoms and happiness. Hizashi gazed at the crowd and smiled, seeing class 1-A sitting respectfully in the rows. His family was there, all smiling. Hero's from all across the country were there, including all the teachers from UA. And then there was Aizawa. He stood at the altar, tall and strong. The deep navy blue suit accentuated his figure and made the burgundy accents pop. Aizawa locked eyes with Hizashi and he could see a blush grow across his thin face. Hizashi smiled, his heart fluttering a little with every second he looked at him. Eri walked down the aisle first, throwing fistfuls of navy and gold and burgundy petals on the carpet. The crowd awed as she beamed. She ran up to Aizawa and hugged him tight. He scooped her up and smiled.
Next was Hizashi's turn. The crowd stood up as the music struck up. He could feel the heat glow across his cheeks, seeing everyone smile and feeling all the love in the room. Midnight was holding his arm, walking him to his husband. She squeezed his elbow and whispered, "you're doing great, 'Zashi." He gave a nervous nod and smiled. God this March took forever, the faces of his friends and family were almost suffocating. 'Focus. Focus on not tripping. Focus on not crying. Focus on... focus on Aizawa.' He thought to himself. Aizawa locked eyes with him and again, just like every time he looked at Aizawa, Hizashi felt his stress melt away. Aizawa Shota was his safe space, his arms made him feel so safe and warm. There comes a point in every long term relationship where there's no more butterflies but instead the quiet hum of serenity. There's a mutual understanding of each other and instead of it being a flaming hot passion, it's a long burning fireplace to snuggle next to each other. Aizawa was down to earth, and Hizashi always had his head in the clouds. Without each other, they would be stuck there. He was his rock.
Hizashi made it to the altar without tripping or dying thankfully. He stood in front of Aizawa, Midnight taking her place and the ceremony began. Hizashi looked at him, his best friend, the love of his life and couldn't help but melt.
"Aizawa, you may speak your vows." Aizawa nodded and cleared his throat.
"Hizashi Yamada came into my life out of no where." The crowd chuckled a little and Hizashi smiled and shook his head. Aizawa continued. "One day, I was having a nice normal lunch and all of a sudden, this loud boy was sitting across from me and trying to initiate a conversation. I will admit, in the beginning his attempts were futile. I didn't want a friend, or so I thought." Aizawa looked at Hizashi and Hizashi just grinned.
"Over time, he wore me down of course. Sitting with me every day, talking about music and life and wanting to be a hero and a DJ and just completely spilling his guts out onto me, this scrawny quiet kid. I didn't understand why he hung around me. But I'm glad he did." Hizashi felt the tears prick at the corner of his eyes.
"Day after day, this loud extrovert wore me down until I guess we just became friends. We grew close and finally I realized after months of him flirting: I loved him." Aizawa smiled and Hizashi smiled too, tears welling in his eyes.
"Hizashi I promise to never ever not pick up on your hints that you like me." The crowd chuckled and awed.
"ThT was beautiful. Hizashi, you may say your vows." Midnight said. Hizashi nodded and began reading his vows.
"Aizawa Shota. You're the reason I try to be the best man I can be. I love your company and making you smile is the best part of my day. Waking up next to you is what keeps my heart beating, and loving you is the air in my lungs. I've never felt more alive and at peace than when I'm with you, Aizawa. You complete me, even if you don't like how loud my subwoofers can crank, even if you use your quirk on me when I'm getting a little too into a song." The crowd chuckled and Aizawa rolled his eyes playfully.
"I love you, Aizawa. I love you with every fiber of my being. I can't wait to marry you." Hizashi grinned and Aizawa squeezed his hand.
"That was absolutely beautiful. So, shall we get to the good part?" Midnight asked, hearing the cheers from the crowd.
"Do you, Aizawa Shota, take Hizashi Yamada to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Aizawa smirked and said.
"Yeah I guess so. I'm kidding yes of course I do!" The crowd laughed a little.
"Do you, Hizashi Yamada, take Aizawa to be your lawfully wedded Husband?" Hizashi blinked away tears.
"I do." He shouted, squeezing Aizawa's hands.
"I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss your spouse." Aizawa wrapped Hizashi into his arms and kissed him full on the lips. Hizashi melted and kissed him back, loving the man in front of him so purely and wholesomely. Aizawa broke apart and beamed.
"This is the happiest day of my life," Hizashi said as Aizawa scooped up Eri and they ran hand in hand down the aisle together. Y'know, as a family.

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long since an update, I passed all my classes! Yay! I have soooo many one shot ideas now so buckle up, I hope you like them!!

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