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Dahlia's POV

"Get your ass over here now, Cadence, I cannot go through this alone!" I stared up at the clothes hanging above my head as I whisper yelled at my friend through the phone. I'd scrambled to get off my bed after realizing that my brother had said that Billie would be coming over. After finding an outfit that wasn't trying too hard and that I didn't hate, I shut the door of my closet and sat on the floor as I changed and talked to Cadence.

"You're not going through anything alone. You're not going through anything at all. Billie's coming to hang out with your brother, not you, and we both know how he is about his siblings and his company being separated at all times."

"Yeah, but—just be over here in ten, Okay?" I hung up on her after that and slid my shirt over my head before cracking open my closet door and practically crawling out. I was wearing baggy neon green pants, a neon green bra and a white cropped shirt that barely covered my boobs so the green bra was noticeable. I glanced at myself in the mirror and grinned. If there was one thing I was proud of, it was my fashion sense. It was pretty unique if I do say so myself.

I moved my wavy, black hair around with my fingers, knowing that trying to brush it would only make it look messier. I contemplated putting some makeup on, maybe just some foundation if nothing else. Some days I liked the few light freckles that scattered around my nose and cheeks, some days I didn't.

I decided that I didn't feel like putting any makeup on and instead opted to sit on my bed and wait.

When I heard the doorbell ring a few minutes later, I ran to go get it, fully expecting to see cadence.

It was, in fact, very much not cadence. I wasn't all that disappointed with that.

"Oh, hi." I grinned widely.

Billie looked me up and down before smirking and stepping into the house, her quick movement almost startling me. She clearly wasn't one for personal space as she stood only inches away from me, looking down at me with those piercing blue eyes.

"Denver around?" She questioned, raising a brow when I didn't reply immediately.

My cheeks flushed quickly as the silence between us stretched on for longer and longer. I was half expecting Denny to pop up and interrupt us, or Cora to pop up and make a smart remark about me being a little slow, or Cadence to finally show the fuck up, but none of that happened. Instead, we stood in complete silence having a little staring contest, Billie wearing a smirk as her eyes pierced into mine, me trying desperately not to faint and die.

"I'll find him myself then." She finally broke the silence, placing one of her knuckles under my chin softly before walking off.

I stood there looking like an idiot for at least a few more minutes before glancing in the direction she'd gone off in.

I sighed.

So, I'd realized recently that I liked girls and was okay with that. What I didn't realize until this very moment was how shit I was at talking to them.

I thought I was better than this, I thought I was smooth and flirty and confident. Almost as soon as I'd figured out my sexuality, me and Kai started hooking up. She had approached me, but I still thought that I was good with girls.

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared {Billie Eilish}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant