Felicity shook her head, "I need you here. Oliver can't tap into the camera's, he doesn't know how and you do. I'll bring Sara back safe and sound if she's out there, I promise, okay?"

Natasha looked angry but nodded knowing that Felicity was right, "Okay, you're right, alright, go."

Felicity slipped her shoes on again and ran out the door.

"I'm coming with you, Felicity," Oliver said slipping his hand onto her wrist.

"Oliver, I can handle it, I'm a big girl, okay? I know that you're protective but I can't rely on you're emotional attachments right now, they're a liability," with clicks of her thumb she sent Diggle a text. "I need you somewhere else, actually."

"What? No, I'm-"

"Oliver," Felicity's dead set eyes looked into his. "I'll. Be. Fine. I need you to go back inside and talk to Natasha about the blood samples we all have to give to S.H.I.E.L.D, I need to get hers on hand. When you have that, I should be back by then and we can figure out what's going on, because this is no coincidence," Felicity ran over to her car and turned on the only motorized vehicle the rentals had left: A Ninja Motorcycle. She would have gotten a car, but they were all taken...

"You seem to know a lot about what you're doing," Oliver noted squinted his eyes. "You've changed," Oliver crossed his arms and watched Felicity swing a leg over and put clear glasses to her face.

"Being at S.H.I.E.L.D... I had too," Felicity's mouth fell into a grim line and she threw the motorcycle in gear.

"I can't believe her," Oliver rolled his eyes and went inside. "She tells me that she had to change? She didn't have to, she could have come home." Oliver thought he was talking softly but Natasha over heard.

"Do you really believe that?" Natasha asked tapping across Felicity's tablet. "Felicity thought she was the weak link in us all, she couldn't fight, she could barley hack into anything if it was offline and then she was too broken hearted to do much of anything else. What did you expect her to do? Type on a computer screen while eating chocolate and thinking about unicorns and bubbles?"

"You don't know what you're talking about, Natasha," Oliver dismissed her but being the hot head she was she put her back to the tablet and focused on Oliver.

"I know a lot more than you do, so watch what you say, understand?"

"What do you know then, all wise one?" Oliver was starting to get angry and his anger right now was pointed on Natasha.

"I know that Felicity was going to come and move back to Starling City but..." Natasha said quickly, "Then you slept with a woman called Isobel Rochev. How that for something to know?" Natsha wouldn't give away Felicity's secrets but it was harder when she didn't like this Oliver very much. "I know that she have given me everything in her fights and I know that you're the reason we went to that Island... what was it called again?"

"Lian Yu," Oliver muttered for her.

"Yeah, that one," Natasha swallowed. "I know if you hadn't broken her heart in the past then she never would have left, I know a lot about Felicity, Oliver. Not just the old Felicity, the new Felicity too - the one she remade herself into."

"You were her trainer?" Oliver asked taking a step forward to Natasha.

"Am," Natasha corrected. "You know you should giver her more credit. She's a natural at fighting," Natasha smiled. " I don't know how you didn't see the potential in her eyes," Natasha turned back to the tablet.

"I do," Oliver was defensive and bit the inside of his cheek wanting to turn to change the subject. "Felicity wanted me to get your blood sample? S.H.I.E.L.D has you guys draw blood on a regular basis or something?" Natasha nodded. "How does she take it?"

Shielded Arrow (Oliver and Felicity -Olicity- Fanfiction) ~2nd book in the Saga~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt