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They still hadn't got the car back yet and Belch was so nervous. "That mother fucker!! He's gonna fucking pay for this!!" Belch said angrily. "Yeah." Henry said and crossed his arms. They stood outside the garage and then Belch's car drove up and almost hit Henry in the ass. "Holy fuck!!" Henry yelled and moved. Patrick walked out of the car and smirked. "What the hell Patrick!!" Henry said angrily and annoyed. "What Henry?" Patrick smirked and slammed the car door shut with a BAAAM. "CAREFUL!!!" Belch yelled and walked up to him. "You can't just take my fucking car like this!!" He yelled angrily but Patrick just smirked evily. "I can do whatever the fuck I wanna do." He said. Belch got so angry and attacked Patrick. They both fell onto the ground and Belch started to hit Patrick but he just laughed like an insane. It made Belch angrier but Victor tried to push Belch away from Patrick but of course couldn't. 

It was a few hours later and they where friends again, kind of. Patrick still thought it was funny. He would tease Belch about it for hours and run away from Belch before he got a beating again. "Fuck i just wanna kill the dude." Belch groaned annoyed. "Yeah. He's fucking annoying.." Henry said and showed Patrick his middle finger. Patrick laughed and showed Henry both of his. 

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