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Belch woke up later than usual. He fixed himself and then he walked to the garage to find out that his car was gone. He got panicked because his parents was going to kill him if they came home and his car wasn't there. He called to Henry and Henry came over and they talked about it for an hour. "How the fuck can someone steel your car if it was in the garage?" Henry asked confused and thought a bit. "I don't know." Belch said and sighted. He called to victor and then he came. They forgot about Patrick because Patrick is Patrick.  

Then they walked out to try and find the car. Belch was despearate to find it in time but then someone drove past them so fast so they never saw who it was. "Ey! That's your car, Belch!" Henry said angrily and pointed at the car. But then the car disapeared around the corner. They tried to run after it but they couldn't. 

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