Part 9

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3 months later
After a couple another long day of torture Simon lied back in his cell watching the guy that always took him to and from the dreaded room walk away into the darkness.

"You know I really don't think your plan is going to work" Micheal said looking over at Simon "I don't really care what you think" Simon said pulling himself up, "okay but most of your bones are probably broken so how do you actually plan on taking down anyone" Michael said matter of factly "I'm going to die anyways so why not die fighting" Simon said closing his eyes "what if they come back to save you just to find out you got yourself killed" He said, "then they will have to understand why I did what I did" Simon said, Micheal just shook his head and sighed, "what about your family?" Michael asked "they know what happens and that there is no guarantee that I would return" Simon said trying to go to sleep, "sounds selfish" Michael said lying back to also go to sleep, "I didn't ask you what it sounded like and I've never asked you for your opinion on this so how about you just shut up" Simon snapped "jeez fine man, just didn't want to see you die" Michael said putting his hands in defeat, Simon shook his head annoyed and promptly fell asleep.

The next morning Simon woke up right has the sun began to rise and watched as the man walked towards him ready to watch another man get beaten, 'animals' Simon thought to himself while he watched the man grin when he got closer to Simon, "please don't do it" Michael whispered letting Simon know he was now awake, "I'm sorry but I already decided that I would" Simon said pulling his body up and getting ready to fight, once the cell door was opened and he was pulled out the cage he elbowed the man and beaten him up until he was unconscious on the ground, "see it worked" Simon said crouching down carefully to get the guys gun, "well then let me out of here please" Michael begged moving to his cell door, "what happened to I was going to die and I'm being selfish?" Simon asked but gave in anyways and opened the cell for him, "thank you so much" Michael said jumping onto Simon and hugging him, "ow-fuck" Simon mumbled feeling pain course through his body at the sudden force "we have to go now" Simon said pushing Michael off him, "good idea" Michael said already starting to run, Simon tried running but ended up just limping kind of fast, "Hurry up" Michael said when he heard some people talking, "I'm trying" Simon growled, "god" Michael muttered lifting Simon and running with him into the mountains, "put me down" Simon said once they had gotten away from the little camp they were trapped at, "Okay" Michael said placing him on the ground gently, "we need to get further away, they will find us here" Simon said once he heard shouting and a siren go off, "yeah" Michael said watching the commotion from his spot, Simon sighed struggling to stand before making his way further into the mountains to hide, "Hey wait up" Michael said running after him.
"Just three months left" Alesha sighed from her place on the couch, "I wish it was already over" Amanda sighed touching Simons dog tags, "I wonder what they are going right now?" Alesha said "yeah, maybe fighting or sleeping" Amanda said, "I can't wait to be in David's arms again" Alesha sighed, "yeah, me too, but just with Simon obviously" Amanda sighed "yeah" Alesha chuckled, "excited to meet his family?" Alesha asked, "I don't know, I'm so nervous" Amanda said "Also I've been to worried about Simon to think to much about the meeting" Amanda said, "I can honestly say that just by what you are wearing they would love you" Alesha said, "what do you mean what I'm wearing? Like Simons tops?" Amanda asked "no I meant the chain but that too I guess" Alesha smiled "oh" Amanda chuckled getting interrupted by the doorbell, "who the hell?" Alesha whispered getting up and answering the door, "Mrs and Mr Cowell?" Alesha looked up confused looking at Simons parents, they looked upset, like they had just been crying, "we need to tell you something" Mr Cowell said his voice cracking on the last word "Okay, come inside then" Alesha said worriedly, she moved to the side and allowed Julie and Eric to walk past her "you can take a seat" Alesha said pointing to the living room, they nodded walking into the living room where Amanda was sitting unaware that her boyfriends parents were about to walk in, "I should probably introduce you guys" Alesha said walking in right behind Simons parents, "Amanda this is Simons parents, Julie and Eric and Mr and Mrs Cowell this is Amanda" Alesha said, Amanda's jaw dropped when she found out who they were, "Amanda? Simons girlfriend Amanda?" Julie asked confused, "yeah" Amanda said trying to mask her shock, "oh" Julie said looking close to tears again, "well I guess we should tell both of you then" Eric sighed, "what happened?" Amanda asked worriedly, "Simon got kidnapped 3 months ago and they refuse to look for him until what had to be done is done" Julie said the tears now rolling down her cheeks, "but...." Amanda whispered tears also now in tears.

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