Sharon then continued speaking after a small pause.

"First of all, Mr. Voorhees, I want to say that I'm very grateful to you for everything that you did for my daughter, and so is Harry, my husband and Sherry's father. You see... when Sherry didn't return home one evening, I didn't know what to think. And when Richard found out that she was taken to Camp Crystal Lake and just dumped there, my heart turned cold. I was scared and nervous. No offence, but you maybe know as well, what kind of rumors are circling around about you. People think that you are just a merciless murderer that would kill anyone in his way. So when we heard that Sherry is here, we thought for a moment that we lost our daughter." After the last phrase she looked at Sherry who stood aside and nodded with a smile, like saying "you're doing good." Sharon smiled back and turned to face Jason again. "So I'm glad to know that things turned out to be like they are now, and moreover, that we were all wrong about you. I know that Sherry grew very much attached to you, and now I understand the reason. And I want you to know that I support your friendship and relationship in general." Mrs. Cooke now spoke calmly already, seeing that Jason was listening to her. "I only would like to ask you for one thing. I know that you kill people that come here, to this camp, and I'm not going to judge you or mix myself into this. It's your own business after all. But please, do not make Sherry kill anybody. I really would not like her becoming a killer. Alright? I hope it's not too much that I ask?"

This time the hockey-masked man shook his head. He didn't mind that. Killing has always been his job alone, and Sherry could kill somebody, but only if she wanted it herself. If not, he would never force her to do it.

"You see, mum? He doesn't mind. He accepts your proposal," Sherry finally joined the conversation. "Now you see that it is possible to reason with Jason. He's not like the great white shark."

"Yes, dear, I can see that," Sharon smiled to Sherry. "Well, I guess I have to help Sherry to carry things I brought for her. It was my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Voorhees, and thank you once again."

Jason nodded again, and Mrs. Cooke then went to her car. He watched how she and Sherry carried some food and new clothes from the car to the cabin. Mrs. Cooke stayed with her daughter for some time and then, after approximately fifteen minutes, she went back to her car with a small bag. As they made a deal the day before, Sherry got some fresh clothes from home, and mother told her to put all the dirty ones into a bag for washing. Sharon wanted to stay longer, but she had to leave for work, as she had no permission to be away for too long. She told at work that her daughter was in a hospital and she needed some new clothes and some food, so there was no problem in absence for a short time. Sherry came out with her to talk for a few more minutes, and then Mrs. Cooke got into her car and drove away.

Sherry sighed and returned to Jason. He was still standing at the cabin, waiting.

"Well, Jason, here we are, alone again." While speaking the last few words, she grinned slyly. "How do you find my mother? Did you like her?"

Of course, Jason liked her. Sherry's mother was a very pleasant woman, she seemed kind and gentle. In some way, she reminded him of his own mother. So all he could do is nod in response.

"Very well, glad to know it," the girl smiled gently. "And I cannot even begin to tell how much I am happy that my mother understands why I decided to stay here after all. You know, some parents are far from being so understanding. Some don't even try to understand. But my mother, as you see, knows that understanding is the most important aspect in every kind of relationship."

Jason listened, tilting his head. If he could smile under his mask, he would have definitely done it right now. While Sherry spoke, he realized how much she was like her mother. Their speaking manner was so similar, and, what's more important, Sherry sounded as intelligent and kind as her mother. After the meeting with Sherry's mother, Jason understood that there are good people in the world. It's just the bad ones came to his camp, and he just cleansed the world from rubbish.

Suddenly, and that was unexpected even for Jason, Sherry pressed herself to him, wrapping her arms around him.

"Jason, please..." her whisper was barely audible. "Just hug me now. Please."

Jason didn't think twice and gladly complied with her request, taking Sherry's delicate form into his strong arms. While they stood like this for a while, he was thinking things over. Jason felt that this particular day will be significant in his life, especially the night shift from today to Friday the 13th.

To the day of his birth.

And he felt that tonight his relationship with Sherry would enter a new phase. Jason wasn't sure what kind of phase it would be, but in any case, it would beсome a key moment in their life.

He just had to wait. And Jason would wait patiently.

After all, he was always good at it.

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