Chapter 19

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The next morning, around eight o'clock, Sherry was already up. The sun was shining brightly and the sound of bird chirping surrounded her. Mother promised to come at nine, so there was still one hour until that, so Sherry had time to dress up and have breakfast. Not even a single cloud covered the sky, and the heat grew stronger with every minute, but still the very morning felt more or less refreshing. Sherry decided to put shorts on this time, combining them with a bright green top on straps. Luckily, mostly all her summer shirts and tops were made of cotton, the best material for hot weather like now. Tying her hair into a ponytail, she opened the fridge to take the remains of milk. She hoped that her mother would bring more milk, Sherry took a pack of corn flakes and poured them into a small bowl, adding milk in the end. Her breakfast has always been a light one that consisted mostly of cornflakes and a few sandwiches. And while Sherry ate her breakfast unhurriedly, she heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching her cabin, and in a few minutes the door opened and a large, masked man appeared in the doorway.

"Oh, hey, Jason. Good morning." Sherry greeted him, chewing the food she just ate. "You're just in time. Soon my mother will be here. So, are you ready to meet her?"

Jason nodded in response. Although he had seen her mother from a distance a few times when she came to visit Sherry, but this time will be different. He knew her family respected him for what he did to their daughter, but no one could know what she would think when she sees him in person.

"Okay, good," Sherry said, smiling, when Jason suddenly turned around to face the exit from the camp. Sherry also stared into the same spot until the sound of car engine reached her ears and a familiar champagne-colored car drove into the camp territory. "Well, here she comes," Sherry smiled, pointing to the car.

Mrs. Cooke parked the car near the first cabin which Sherry slept in, and stepped out. Jason watched how Sherry ran to her mother, sharing a tight hug with her. While holding her daughter in her arms, Sharon turned her face to the door and felt her own heart starting to beat rapidly. She knew from Sherry's words that Jason was a large man, but this large... Mrs. Cooke was afraid to approach this bulky being, to her he looked like a true monster wearing a hockey mask. Sherry then hugged her mother's shoulders and persuaded her to come closer to meet the legend of Crystal Lake.

"Come on, mum. He's waiting."

"S-Sherry, I..." Sharon stammered, afraid to make a step closer. "Are you sure he's not going to do any harm to me?"

"Oh, Jesus, mum!" Sherry laughed merrily. "There's nothing to be afraid of. He will never harm me or any of my family members. So come now, relax and behave naturally."

Sharon was still trembling inside, but she obeyed her daughter nevertheless. Maybe it wasn't that bad after all, it's just this anticipation that made her feel nervous.

When both women finally approached Jason, Sharon studied him with her glance. Beside his intimidating size and appearance, she noticed how unnaturally pale his skin color was. Sharon admitted to herself that she had never seen any human being that pale. Was Jason Voorhees even human? The more she looked at him, the more she doubted his humanity.

"Well... hello," Mrs. Cooke began, still unable to get rid of her feeling of fear. "You're Jason, right?" Receiving a nod in response, Sharon continued: "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Voorhees. As you maybe already know, my name is Sharon Cooke, I'm Sherry's mother."

Jason nodded again, hoping that she understood that he was also glad to meet the mother of his female friend. And he, of course, didn't miss the moment when she called him "Mr. Voorhees." It was the first time during his entire existence that someone called him like that. Jason remembered when his own mother told him that people address each other as "Mr." or "Ms.", and "Mrs." if the woman is married, before the surname, thus showing respect to each other. And now Sherry's mother addressed him the same way. Sherry told him many times that her whole family respected him, but now he was convinced of this personally.

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