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I love you
More than I'll ever admit
How can I tell you that you mean the world to me?
My feelings for you are rendered vague
By my utter lack of words to express them
You are home
A shelter from the black hole that is my mind
You know how when you're in a car?
And the rain is pouring down and the dark clouds roar with anger?
And then you go under a bride
And everything stops
It's silent
Pure tranquillity
And when you eventually get out from under the bridge
Everything hits you a little harder than before
Well, you were my bridge
I always thought it was so stupid when I was younger
I never understood it
How on earth could you possibly care so much about a person?
How can someone dictate your entire life?
I didn't understand
Until I met you
And I know we're not perfect
Far from it, actually
And I know that we've struggled to get through this
To make it work
So much that sometimes we doubt it even works
But it does
I knew it from the beginning
That this time it was different
Trust me on this
Because it's not me against you
Nor is it you against me
It's us
Together as always
Against the demons
I can't do it alone
So answer me this,
Will you fight by my side?

the things I was never able to say Where stories live. Discover now