Hannah couldn't help her curiosity. I'm going to regret this, she thought as she followed Amanda. I should be going to say goodbye to Diana. Though she'll probably leave before I get the chance.

"Where are you going?" She asked the redhead. Amanda turned, surprised.

"I want to explore the place," she confessed. "I doubt you'll want to follow me walking on those," she pointed at Hannah's high heels. In them, she stood as tall as Amanda. Looking her eye to eye while standing was kind of empowering. It was enjoyable, at the very least.

"Oh, well..." Hannah hummed for a second. Then she decided to take off her shoes. "the entire place is carpeted and clean. There probably won't be much problem if I walk around bare footed," she said.

Amanda raised an eyebrow. "You know, if anyone looked at this situation from the outside, it'd look as if you wanted to, like... spend time with me?" she smiled.

Hannah froze. "You know what? I'll go back to the room," she said with annoyance. She had just trying to be nice and not let Amanda go on alone, but if she was going to be like this then- Something grabbed her arm.

"Woah there, it was just a joke," Amanda said. "You... You don't have to go," her tone probably came out a little more pleading than intended.

"Hmpf," Hannah shook off the hand and turned around with an offended face. "Fine, if you want me to so badly I guess I'll go," she said.

Amanda smiled. "Thanks. Want to walk hand in hand?" She asked tending Hannah her hand.

"Oh fuck off," Hannah said, walking around her and taking off on her own.

Amanda looked the door up and down. There were no cameras around, and it was pretty unassuming, but there was something about it that she just couldn't ignore. Maybe its placing, in the middle of a corridor, all alone. Maybe its slightly more advanced key-card reader. She wasn't sure of what had caught her attention but she was sure of it: This door held something important behind it.

"So... You just want to break into someone's room?" Hannah asked from behind her.

"Yes," Amanda said. She didn't bother explaining that this was probably not a room. It was too big. If it was a room, then it was something like a presidential suite or something. "Though this..." she pointed at the reader. "Hmm..." She ran her own card through it, but as expected, it did nothing.

"Why are you so interested, anyways?" Hannah insisted.

"Because I want to find a nice, segregated place where we can have fun in peace," Amanda said as she thought of how to open this. She was only going to be here for a day, and she had no time to analyze and plan her break in.

Hannah scoffed. "Like hell if I'd let you do anything to me," she sounded offended.

Amanda took out her wand. Constanze had modded it for easier use, but Amanda wasn't very good at using the hacking systems. Constanze already had a bunch of different small programs that worked for different locks installed, but picking the right one was the problem. If Amanda fucked it up, then they could be in a world of trouble.

But what was life without risks?

She took off the tip of her wand and connected it to the lower part of the lock. It didn't have a jack or a port, but the good thing about magic was that it could create circuits even across solid surfaces, if you knew how to do it. "This lock is a higher security one than our rooms', but not the most secure," she explained to Hannah as she looked at the list of things she could run. They had different labels, but Amanda barely understood what half of them meant. She could, however, read 'key-card' and 'medium.' There were four programs with those tags, each with other additional ones Constanze probably used to differentiate them.

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