Chapter 10

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"The principal asked Gavin to show him around and maybe even be friends, but apparently they wanted to be more than friends..." Michael glares at Ryan. "Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood."


"Where is this Dan guy. I wanna have a little 'talk' with him." The others exchange glances knowing no good could come of this. Of course, at that exact moment Dan walks by and sits next to Ray.


"Hey, you're Ray from my History class, right?" Ray nods slowly.


"Michael, this is Dan, Dan this is Michael..." Dan hold out his hand to shake. Michael clenches his fists so hard, his knuckles turn white and gives Dan a you-are-so-mother-fucking-dead glare. Lucky for Dan, the bell rang informing students that lunch was over.


"Oh, uh Dan can I talk to you have by the bleachers after school?" Michael tries so hard to sound pleasant.


"Yeah, sure! See you then, Michael." Dan walks off to his locker.


"Michael are you sure you wanna do this? Just don't go overboard. I know you want to bash his skull in, but at least get a story or some shit before you beat him. Maybe it wasn't a kiss, or it wasn't even Gav's fault. Don't say anything about dating Gav before you hear what happened, okay?" Michael nods at Jack then leaves the table.


All day Michael couldn't focus. He thought about what Jack had said. Maybe it wasn't a kiss. Maybe he yelled at Gavin for no reason. Where the hell was Gavin anyway? Michael thinks for a second. He was here this morning, and he's too lazy to walk home. Where in the school could he hide? "You've gotta be kidding me." He remembers Gavin once telling him about hiding in the locker room because no one even goes in there. Michael certainly wasn't, at least not until he spoke to Dan. His thoughts were interrupted by the bell. One more class, he can make it through English, right?


Gavin however, is still in the locker room but has stopped crying. He's now resorted to listing all the things he could say to Michael, if he ever builds up the courage.


"You know what? Why am I in here sulking? I'm gonna go out there and be Gavin, brush things off and keep going. I can do this, I know I can." Proud of his confidence speech, Gavin gets up, brushes himself off, and heads to the office to get a late slip.


After stopping at his locker and checking in the bathroom mirror, twice, Gav hurries towards English. Right before he opens the door, Gavin remembers Michael's in this class. He takes a deep breath and enters. Gavin gives the teacher his note and quickly sits next to Ray.


"You have so much explaining to do..." Ray whispers.


"How bad is it?" Gav asks, hoping for the best.


"He's pretty pissed and after school Michael wants to have a 'talk' with Dan. As scared as you are, talk to him or at least tell Michael what happened. He's gonna beat Dan to a pulp." He gives Gavin a don't-screw-this-up look.


"That might not be a bad thing.." Gavin grumbles. With that, the conversation was over.


After an eternity, the bell finally rang. Gavin sprang up out of his seat and bolted down the hall to his locker. During English all he could think about was what to say to Michael, if he was even going to talk to him. Gavin would need to be outside first and 'accidentally' bump into Michael. From there he'd grab Michael's wrist and drag him to a less crowded area and explain the whole thing. Will it work? We'll just have to wait. Gavin stood my a tree waiting for Michael to appear at any moment.


"Shit." Gavin remembered his calculus book is still in his locker. Does he have enough time to get it and make it back?


Michael was dead set on 'talking' to Dan by the bleachers. He wasn't in any mood to deal with bullshit today. He filled up his backpack with all the dumbass homework he was given and was off. Just as he was about to leave the building, something or someone hit him with a great force. Michael's bag cushioned his fall, but it fucking hurt.


"What the hell? Watch where you're going, asshole!" Turns out, Michael was screaming at Gavin. Gavin popped up once he realized who it was.


"Uh, hey Michael... Can I jus-" Michael glared at Gavin, then stormed off to find Dan.


"No, wait!" Gavin followed Michael, who has started running.


Michael neared the bleachers and spotted Dan.

"YOU. RUINED. EVERYTHING." He screeched. Once he was in range, Michael through a punch and hit Dan square in the jaw.

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