Chapter 2

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"Guys, guess what I found out. The weird nerd kid, Garvin or Gavin or whatever, is gay." Now, I could really care less about other people's sexuality, but when we were doing the project he seemed really nervous. It's probably nothing, right? 

Kerry is still talking about what he heard in gym, while I look over at Gavin and his friends. They are outcasts, but they're so happy. They obviously really enjoy each other's company and share a bunch of interests. I wish I had friends like that. I'm stuck with the football team and labeled as a loud ass jerk who only talks to assholes like me. It really pisses me off, because if I did sit with the 'nerds' they'd either get really quiet, leave, or some other guy on my team would come over and be a jerk. Maybe when Gavin comes over, I could get him to let me chill with people who can actually hold a conversation about something other than football or super hot chicks. I bite into the blob I call lunch and gag. How is it legal to give us this?

"Then, I threw it to Luna and we won the game!" Kerry's talking about last week's game, yet again. You know what? I'm gonna go sit with people who have brains bigger than a pea. I grab my tray, stand up and walk towards the 'nerds' table and sit. All of them look at me as if I'm a floating head.

"Michael, whatcha doing here?" Gav asks. God damn. My name isn't pronounced Mi-cool, it's Michael.

"I'm sick of the idiots over there. I swear, just looking at them lowers your IQ." The guys laugh nervously, and exchange glances.

"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you guys. I came over here, didn't I? Besides, I heard you all play 'Halo'." That last comment got their attention.

"So, team red or blue?" I ask happy to find a common interest among myself and them. We spend the rest of lunch talking about tactics and our favorite games. We part ways as we head back to our lockers. Once the assholes, I mean team, catch up with me they ask,

"Jones? Where'd you go? We thought you went to run lap-"

"Michael, same thing tomorrow?" Ray says as he heads to his next class. Miles looks at me with shock.

"Well, I guess not. You hung around with the losers today, I see." I quickly grab my books and rush to History. This class is as boring as fuck, but it's better than dealing with the guys.


Gavin runs into class, about forty-five minutes late, and nearly trips over his feet.

"Sorry I'm late, here's my pass." His head is ducked down, and he shuffles to his seat, which is next to mine. I swear when he sit down, I see the beginning of a bruise forming under his eye.

"Gav, what happened to you?" I whisper loud enough for only him to hear.

"It's nothing really." I glare at him.

"The bruise on your cheek begs to differ." He finally looks at me.

"There's a bruise?" I nod. He sighs.

"It was a few guys on the football team, but it's nothing I can't handle." What the hell are those idiots doing? Gavin did nothing to them and they're being complete jerks, not that it's much of a shock.

The bell rings, and I go to my last class, English. I walk in, sit down and start answering the questions on the board. A few people on the team walk in, see we have a sub, and come to sit with me. I glare at them, and they slowly back away and sit somewhere else.

 All of a sudden, the fire alarm goes off. Are you fucking kidding me? The world wants to watch me burn. Once everyone gets outside, they meet and talk with their friends. I kinda just stare at my feet and stand by the sub.

"Hey, Michael! Come over here!" Ryan waves me towards the group. I happily stroll over to the guys and join in on the conversation about the new DLC for Call of Duty. We talk and joke for what seems like minutes, but in reality it was much longer. When everyone's allowed back in and in their classes, I see we only have a few minutes left in the day. I sit impatiently, waiting for the final bell.

"RIIIIIING!" Yes! I jump out and run towards my locker. I see Gav coming over this way, but I have something else I need to do. I walk towards Miles and get his attention.

"What the fuck was that for?"I say shoving him. 

"What are you talking about, Jones?" I point towards Gavin angrily.

"Oh, he was in my way." He says, nonchalantly making me even more furious.

"Look, don't you dare, touch him or anyone. You have no right to do that." I turn and start to walk away, but I'm pulled back by my bag. I stumble backwards and land on the floor. I look behind me and see Miles with a goddamn smirk plastered on his stupid fucking face. I stand up and walk towards him, my anger getting worse with every step. He realizes he's really fucked now.

"Don't fucking touch me." I snarl through my clenched teeth.

"You are a fucked up piece of shit that doesn't belong here. You have no 'real' friends and piss everyone off. I'm done with you and your bullshit. I'm done with football, and being associated with you and your assholes. You do ANYTHING, and I mean anything to any of my friends, I will hunt you down and beat you, you useless piece of shit." I turn and walk with Gavin leaving a stunned Miles behind. We walk outside and to the bus stop before he says anything.

"Holy shit! That was insane! Just, woah!" He almost screams. I just smile at him as the rest of the guys come over and Gav tells them what happened.

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