Oops, Hi!

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I'm so nervous. I think I'm going to throw up. Or die. Okey I don't know but I need the toilet. Who's idea was it for me to apply for x factor really? Okey I know I wanted to but I didn't know I would go trough to boot camp. Shit I really am going to know if I go trough boot camp or not today! Okey Harry one thing at the time right now toilet.

I was walking fast to the door I didn't even look where I walked and then I ran into something and and the next thing I know I was on the floor. 

"Oops" was the only thing I could say.

"Hi!" I says the most beautiful voice I ever heard.

I look up and my eyes meet the most beautiful blue eyes. He stretched out his hand for me to grab and helped me up.

I couldn't talk for a moment and just looked at the beautiful nameless person in front of me. Then it hit me.

"Shit I'm so so sorry! Really did I hurt you? Are you hurt? I asked still holding his hand.

He laughed
"Isn't it me that should ask you that? It wasn't me that fell"

"Oh... right"

It was quite for a moment. Then he start shaking my hand that was still in his.

"My name is Louis by the way"

Louis. What a beautiful name.

"L-louis" I said, tested his name on my tongue

"My n-name is Harry" I stuttered. I always stutter when I'm nervous and I hate it so much.

"Well harry I heard you sing and I can't help but think that you gonna be something big"


"Yeah really... Actually can I take a picture whit you? So I in the future can say I have met Harry..?"

"Ehh Styles!

"Harry Styles. So can I?" Okey this is a bit wired. Who would even want to take a picture with me?

"Mmm sure. I don't se way not" He took out his pone from his jeans pocket and took a picture.

" Thank you soon to be the world famous Harry Styles. It was nice to se you. Now I let you get back to your busin-"

He got stopes by the speakers saying that the boys category need to be on the stage in five minutes.

" Or we need to go to the stage. Sorry for taking your time."

"No no it's my fa- fault I ran in t-to you. Maybe w-we need to go now?" He just looked at me for a moment. Way am I so embarrassing?

"Yeah. Are you nervous?" He asked.

"Y-yeah I'm really nervous to be honest" He then slung his arm around my shoulder and started to talk again. He sound so confident. I want to be like that to.

"Yeah me to. You have no need to be nervous I can almost promise you that you will go trough." As he said that we had come to or destination. We said or goodbyes when the crewmen told us where to stand.

Okey here goes nothing.


Okey here goes nothing. I was so nervous but my toughest drifted of to that boy in the toilets. Harry, he was so cute with his curly hair end the greenest eyes I ever seen. He was prefect. So beaut-

Louis what are you thinking. He is a boy! But I still think he will become something big.

My thought was cut of by Simons voice ringing in my ears. Shit it's happening right now.

Name by name was called but not mine. I kinda knew it so I didn't have to high hopes. But blame me for dreaming.

Now it was only one person left. That clearly means no.

"And the last person is Tom Richards"

Oh. I knew it but that didn't stop the pain. I looked around some people was just staring at the ground, some was crying and some was just like me just looking around.

I kept looking around until I spotted the curly headed boy. He was crying. My heart ached at the sight.

I promised him he would go trough and he didn't. I'm such an idiot.

I was just about to go up to him when someone held out that we need to leave the stage. When I was of the stage the first person I spotted was my mother. I ran over to her and she hugged me tightly. I really just wanted to go home and lay in my bed the rest of the day.

After about 15 minuets. A crewman yelled out that all the boys and girls that didn't come trough needed to come closer to him.

When we all was standing there he started to call out names.

"Zany Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson"

What? Then the crewman started saying four girls name but I didn't listen. What are we going to do? Why just us?

I didn't have the time to think more about it because he told us to go up on the stage again. Okey now I really don't understand.

I heard people around me talking about it to.

We got to the stage and I was so nervous. It wasn't until junta now that it clicked that harry was one of the other boys.

I recognize the other three boys to. Niall have been running around with he's guitar all day. I think everyone know him by now.

Then there's Zayn. He was that guy that didn't want to dance . I totally understand him I didn't want to nether. I am horrible at dancing.

Then there's this other guy whit brown puppy eyes. I think he's name is Liam. I haven't spoken to him at all so I don't really know a shit about him.

My thoughts was interrupted by one of the judges.

"Hello, thanks for coming back here. I know  for the look of your feces that this is really hard. We have thought long and hard about it. And each of you as individuals are to to talented to let go of. We think it would be a really good idea to have two separate groups."

Okey what is happening right now? She gave the microphone to Simon.

"We have decided to put you both in groups"

First I couldn't understand it I just smiled. Then everyone was cheering and I was just so happy. And the next thing I know I jump right in Harry arms and hug him. He stumbled back a little and then I whisper in his ear

"We're going to make it. This is just the beginning"

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