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And what I saw was Mable, with a bloody knife, and another person on the floor crying. The person looked up at me and I realized that it was a boy. He had sky blue hair and he was skinny. When he looked up at me I also noticed that he had bright blue eyes.. well, eye. Because he had an eyepatch and bang over his right eye. I got lost in his features until I realized that he also had multiple stab wounds and then..."WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!?!" I screamed at Mabel, my fist tightening. I'd never seen anyone who's actually been stabbed, especially not someone as cute as he was. And it pissed me off! (Excuse my language.) She looked at me with a slightly shocked, but mostly wicked, look in her eyes and started towards me. "Oh, Y/N. Sweet sweet Y/N. This is not what it looks like. This is merely a practice dummy to practice self defense on." She said in a sickeningly sweet tone. I started to back out of the room. "Then why does that knife have blood on it?! And why is that boy crying?!!" I ask her angrily. I know that I should probably not talk back to a crazy person with a knife that spent waaay to much time reading Shakespeare. but the way I'm feeling right now, I could take down White Diamond.(where my Steven universe fans at?) "Oh! That's not a boy," she starts, looking back at the none-boy bleeding on the floor. "It's a demon. It can't feel pain, that's why it's fun to stab him." She says looking back at me still walking towards me with the most evil smile I've ever seen. All that's going through my head is 'Do I leave the crazy psychos and their demon to themselves? Do I stop them? Why me?' I keep back up trying to figure out a plan until I bump into something.. or someone.

Mason suddenly appeared right behind me! He grabbed my arms quick as a flash and pushed me against the wall behind us with an equally wicked smirk on his face. "I see you've discovered our little friend there," He says referring to the demon-boy in the room across from us. "I'm so sorry you had to witness all of this unpleasantness." He said as Mabel came up behind him. "But allow us to make it up to you.." he whispered in my ear. As he smoothed my H/L, H/C hair behind my ear. Then I noticed that the weird little jewel on his tie was starting to glow, and so was the matching one on Mabel's headband. Then their eyes started to glow the same blue-aqua color. I then found that couldn't help but look into Mason's eyes, like I was in a trance or something. I also couldn't move at all, and all I could hear was his voice. "We have decided to spare you." He said in an evil tyrant-type voice. "Just repeat after me. You did not see anything that had to do with my sister a knife or a demon." I then nodded without knowing that I did. "You've had a lovely time here at Gleeful manor and you think we are the nicest people you've ever met." I nod again. "And if you have any recollection of anything disturbing happening here, you Are not to speak of what you think you saw to anyone. Ever." I almost nod, but then I start to fight it. I fight to regain control and barely win. Then my first reflex is to stomp on his foot. When I do, he cries out and the spell breaks. Mabel the swings the the bloody knife at me in attempt to cut me. I try to avoid it but I can't dodge it in time and she cuts my cheek open. And that was it. "Oh girl! If you didn't think you were gonna die today," I start as I wipe access blood off my cheek.
"Then you should definitely assume that now!" I then punch her in the face. But while she's busy holding her face, Mason has gotten up and leg swept me to the floor. He then puts his hands around my neck in attempt to choke me, but I kick him in the face with my extremely long legs and he goes down. Meanwhile, Mabel was trying to be sneaky and tried to stab me from behind, but I heard her and I was ready. 'My hero academia binge watching don't fail me now.' (If you don't watch that show, you're dead to me.) I think as I remember a piece of actual combat advice from the show. "If your opponent has a knife, pivot on one foot to disappear from their line of sight, then grab the wrist and the base of the neck, pull with all your might, and slam them!" And I do just that and slam her face into the floor. She doesn't move after that so I assume that she's been knocked out. Mason was starting to get up again, so I punched him in the face again for good measure. I stand back and catch my breath. 'I can't believe I just did that! Wait why did I do that? I mean sure I didn't wanna die, but there was another reason.' I thought. Then I heard something that sounded like someone crying. I look behind me and I remembered.

I walked back to the room and saw blue-demon-boy was sitting in the corner sobbing. He was hugging his knees into his chest and was hiding his face. So I quietly walked up to him and tapped him. "Hey," I start but when I tap him he squeals slightly, like I was gonna hurt him. Then he looks up at me with those wet eyes and calms down a little. "I-I'm so s-sorry about a-all this, ma'am." He says quietly. "It's ok, it's over now. And uh, you can call me N/N.(nickname)." I say gently as I sit next to him on the floor. He then looks from the hallway to me and his eyes widened. "W-why did you d-do that?" He asks in a horrified voice with that little stutter of his. "They didn't seem like very good people. Plus, she had a knife." I say pointing to Mable. "And they hurt you." I gently grab his arm "May I..?" He hesitated, looking into my E/C eyes. Then moved his arms and put his knees down, to reveal a stab wound in his stomach. I get a bit shocked and sad. But immediately go back to my cool, under-control self. "Question, how exactly did you not die from that?"

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