Part 2

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Present time:

With the remote in her hand, Lexa gave up on flipping through the stations and placed the device beside her. Instead, she takes in the view in front of her.

Clarke has her head resting on her shoulder while she looks at Jake. She mindlessly runs her hand over his head. Something she's done while nursing both children since their births.

Lexa looks down at Jake who is passed out. We're talking mouth open, little snores, milk dripping out from his mouth and Clarke's boob.

Taking a look at the clock, Lexa noticed it's close to the time to pick up Alycia.

"I'm going to get our first born from school, you need anything before I leave baby?" Lexa asked softly as to not disturb Jake.

Clarke shook her head, "We're good honey, I'm going to set him up on the floor so I can go make a snack for her. Go ahead we'll see you when you two get home," She replied as she got up with Jake who didn't even flinch at the movement.

Lexa grabs the big throw from over the sofa and lays it on the floor where Clarke carefully lays their son on his back where he moves only a little before falling back to sleep.

Once he's settled they hug and exchange kisses before Lexa leaves and Clarke's heads into the kitchen.


Forty minutes later Clarke's two favorite brunettes walk in the door. Well, one runs at top speed into the kitchen where she and Jake are at the table waiting. Alycia runs to Clarke "Mommy I'm home" she says excitedly.

Smiling at her daughter, Clarke runs her fingers through her hair, "I see that baby, how was school today?" she asked as Alycia climbed into the chair to nibble on the plate of fruit that Clarke had set out for her.

Alycia popped a grape into her mouth and chewed happily before she replied.

"We went to the library today and we were allowed to take out a book, will you or momma read it to me tonight?" she bit into half a banana then grabbed her cup of juice, as she looked at her brother who was babbling and smashing his piece of banana in his hands.

"You like your banana Jakey," she asks her little brother. "Aaananana" is the babble she got back from him.

Clarke watched her children interact with a smile as Lexa made her way into the kitchen.

"Pumpkin, did you wash your hands before eating?" Lexa asked Alycia.

Alycia looked between her moms then down at her plate before she shook her head no.

Lexa knelt down next to the little girl, "you aren't in trouble pumpkin, I just like for you to wash up before eating, why don't you go do that before you eat anymore okay" she suggested softly as she smiled at her daughter. The little girl nods and takes off to do as requested.

After Alycia disappears Lexa goes to her son, "Hi monkey, how's momma's little buddy?" she asked and kissed the top of his blonde head while Jake sucked the squished banana from his hands.

He then proceeds to slaps the highchair tray with his banana covered chubby hands, "aah aah aah," is his reply as Lexa laughed before she kissed Clarke's temple just as Alycia came back into the kitchen and showed Lexa her hands.

"All clean" she smiled and climbed back into the chair to resume her snack and telling her parents about her day.

Once the snacks were consumed, it was time for Alycia's homework which Lexa helped her with while Clarke took Jake into the living room so the he could play and not disrupt his sister.

One of Life's Little Surprises - Clexa AUWhere stories live. Discover now