my oc

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name: franklin hopkins

nickname: frankie

age: 15/17/18/23

gender + pronouns: nonbinary, male aligned, they/them or he/him

sexuality: bi

human or ghost?: human

likes: animals, art, exploring, the
paranormal/supernatural, gore, true crime, alchemy, geography, doing things they're not supposed to, video games, arguing, shoplifting, going outside and in woods/forests

dislikes: being told what to do, people hurting their friends, people with big egos, when things are out of their idea of order, being touched by anyone he doesn't allow

hobbies: drawing, urban exploring, alchemy, shoplifting

personality: self conscious, short temper, outgoing to friends, quiet and resistant to strangers, stubborn, headstrong, chaotic with friends, anxious easily, loud with friends, can be controlling, lies a lot, only nice to friends, a little sadistic, surprisingly empathetic, would die and kill for friends, doesn't care about other people aside from friends, wants to be the best, wants to feel like the villain, cynical, pessimistic, jaded

family: mother, father who doesn't live with them (divorced), one other sister and two younger sisters, grandmother, great grandmother (lives with the others aside from dad who he visits)

background: grew up in a mentally and emotionally abusive household, dad was also physically abusive, dad eventually left the family which messed him up big time, he was sexually abused by a cousin, family originates from louisiana, moved to nockfell for unknown reasons

crush: larry johnson or maple

pets: two cats, one dog, tarantula, ball python, a few slugs and toads he caught

place of residence: lived in town near the church (15-17), moved to addison apartments (18-20)

belief in ghosts: avid believer, pretty in touch with spirits

appearance: pale skin, shaggy curly brown hair, hazel eyes, short and small stature, self harm scars on face neck arms and legs, stands hunched over and into himself, resting bitch face, holds arms similar to a raptor, eyebrows look spotty due to nervous habit, lips always look red due to nervous habit

regular clothes: light grey hoodie, black sweatpants, black and white checkered shoes, triple pierced ears, spiky black earrings, bridge piercing

winter clothes: same as above, add boots and red scarf

others: carries around a bag with meds, bandaids, flashlights, water, snacks, a lighter, matches, swiss army knife , switchblade, has a slight cajun accent and sometimes uses cajun french words but can't speak fluently, works at a gas station (older), picks out his eyebrows when nervous or peels the skin from his lips

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