Chapter 10

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"That was exhausting," Khushi said to her Nani. "But was it necessary?"

She almost felt bad for Arnav, struggling like a fish out of water in a house where everyone knew what was going on except for him. Even Mami had been able to play along successfully.

They were in her room, getting ready for the day's activities. It was their last day in Paris, and they kept the most important attraction for last. The Eiffel tower. She dreamed of seeing the Eiffel tower so many times in her life. Once upon a time, she even dreamed of going there for her honeymoon. But she never wanted to see it alone.

"Nani, can I stay home today?" Veda asked. "I'm not..."

Veda wanted to see it with the person she was meant to spend the rest of her life with. Nani nodded and left. Veda hugged her knees to her chest and waited as the others left. The entire house was hers. She slipped out of her pajamas and wore an old salwar kameez of Payal's.

The kitchen was well-equipped. Veda cracked her knuckles and started taking out all the ingredients she needed. She readied the sugar syrup and the batter. As the oil started to sputter, she let herself become Khushi for a few hours. Just jalebis wasn't enough. She put a batch of brownies into the oven.

"What am I going to do if he finds out? What if he wants me to come back to Delhi? What if he starts being a Laad governor again? Hai, Devi Mayya."

After a batch of jalebis was done, she started to clean up. Someone was at the door. Akashji had told her he was expecting a delivery. She rushed to the door and opened it without looking through the peephole.



It was like seeing an angel, or a ghost. She was wearing a white cotton salwar kameez. Besan powder was on her cheek. Her hair was loose, and the pink ends weren't visible. For a second she was the girl he loved, until she opened her mouth.

"Mr. Raizada?"

Veda knew he looked at her and saw her old self. She let out a small sigh and a silent prayer. Her new identity was her protection, her shield against all he could say or do to her.

"I thought your meeting was till four o'clock?" she asked.

The meeting had ended much earlier than he anticipated. It was a success. AR Designs was safe. Aman's call for him to come to Paris had been needed. He looked at the girl in front of him. He was almost sure he smelled jalebis.

"Is that besan?" he asked, pointing to the pale yellow powder on her face..

"Yeah, I was making brownies. I didn't find an apron, so Jeeji let me borrow this old dress."

"Besan brownies?"

"Vegan brownies. I tried a recipe from online. You want one?"

Veda chided herself. She forgot about his diabetes. But that was a good thing. She looked at Arnav expectantly.

"I'm diabetic."

She smacked her hand to her forehead in mock shock.

"Yeah, Jeeji told me. I forgot, sorry."

"It's okay. I have some work."

She realized they were still in the entryway, and let him pass into the house. He headed towards the kitchen, and she ran to block his way into the room. The jalebis were on the counter, cooling. She couldn't leave him with any doubt.

"Did you need something?" she asked, breathless.

Arnav stared at her.

"It's nothing, I've made a mess in the kitchen. I'd rather not have other people see it. I'll bring you whatever you want," she blurted out.

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