Hide and Seek

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Prompt: Start and end the fic with the same sentence, the first time it's positive and happy. The second time it's chilling and foreboding. Quishaphantom/ quishaweasley/ quishaweasley


Sam couldn't find Danny, and she'd been looking for hours. He was unfairly good at hide and seek.

"This is impossible," She huffed to Tucker. "He has to be cheating!"

Tucker snickered. "It's your fault for choosing to play in the park- I warned you he was good."

"No one is this good!"

"Danny is," Tucker smirked, reclining in the shade of a tree.

Sam scowled, hand on her hips. She turned in a circle, scanning the crowded park. Danny wasn't hiding in the playground- she'd checked twice. He wasn't by the fountain, the pond, or the amphitheater; She was seriously beginning to wonder if he had snuck into the bounce house that was set up for some kid's birthday party.

"My offer still stands," Tucker teased. "I'll find him for you- you just have to admit he's the king of hide and seek!"

"You swear he's not cheating?"

"I swear," Tucker stretched his arms above his head. "But I also swear that as soon as I show you, you're gonna feel like an idiot."

"I've looked everywhere!" Sam cried. "Twice! If anything, I'll be impressed."

"Nah," he disagreed. "You'll feel stupid."

Grumbling, Sam followed Tucker towards the part of the park populated by trees. She'd already spent too long in there looking for her friend; She'd even climbed the trees to see if he was hiding in the branches.

"He's not in here, Tuck," She assured. "I checked."

"You didn't check everywhere." Motioning for her to be quiet, Tucker crept over to a log, an evil grin on his face. He jumped on the log, stomping his feet. A shriek sounded from inside before none other than Danny Fenton was scrambling out.

"Not cool!" He shouted, shoving Tucker playfully.

Sam stared at him. "You were in a log?"

"Yup." Danny brushed dead leaves out of his hair.

"Told you you'd feel dumb!" Tucker laughed.

"Three hours," Sam couldn't believe it. "You sat there for three hours? Didn't you get bored?"

Danny shrugged. "Not really- I was texting Tucker."

"Tucker!" She snapped in betrayal.

"To be fair, I had no proof of he was here," he slung an arm over Danny's shoulders. "But I had a good idea."

"Sometimes I think you two share a brain," Sam crossed her arms, smiling.

"That's what happens when you've been friends for 12 years!"

"12?" Danny verified the math in his head. "My God we're getting old."

"You're in 8th grade," Sam rolled her eyes. "You aren't old."

"In a few months we'll be in high school," Tucker pointed out. "Can we consider ourselves old then?"

Sam just laughed as she and the boys left the park to get lunch at the Nasty Burger.


Tucker couldn't find Danny, and he'd been looking for hours. His best friend was still mortified over losing his pants in front of Paulina.

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